So as now king Parikshit was ruling of kingdom, one day as he was on a tour, going around checking out, how is everything working? Then he noticed, hey! What’s going on here, at a distance he saw, someone Oh! He looks like a king, look he has a dress and crown, he has sword also, but what is he doing with the sword? There is a cow near him, he is trying to hurt the cow, he is the trying to kill the cow, No! King Parikshit was very furious; he rushed to the spot towards that place. He jumped down on him own chariot, he took his own sword and King Parikshit was ready to slaughter that so called king.
He was not a real one but fake king he only looked like a king, he was only dressed like a king that was the Age of Kali, thekali had appeared disguised as a King only to kill the religion, symbol of religion that’s cow. But then this kali disguised as a king, he begged for pardon, begged for forgiveness. Please! Please! Spare my Lord, spare my life oh! Lord. No king Parikshit was still very angry ready to kill, but he kept appealing “forgiving is considered superior to killing, the act of forgiving somebody”. So King Parikshit decided to forgive ok you may go. But where could I go? wherever I go, it’s your rule, you are going to follow me, you are going to be chasing after me, please give me some place, some corner in your kingdom where I could stay as I am, the bad character as I am, the age of kali as I am.
Ok you could stay in four places, King Parikshit gave 4 places for this age of Kali to reside in. oh! What are those 4 places? King Parikshit said “dyutam-panam striyah-suna yatradharmas catur-vidhaha” (S.B 1.17.38)
The 4 places of irreligion, where irreligion is practiced, such 4 places you could reside- what are those places? “dyutam” Where there is a gambling, places of gambling is one place for you. “panam” please ! Tell me what is the other place? Yes, places where there drinking and smoking and chewing tobacco all the intoxication goes on that is also designated place for you. But you said 4 places, what is the third place? Third place is place where there is illicit sex. Sex outside marriage or even exercise sex in the marriage that is also the place. Places of prostitution, cinemas and these television which is all sex and violence business, you could stay in Hollywood you could stay Bollywood. Ya! these are your places. Ok that’s third and fourth one is place of meat eating, where there is slaughter, animal killing, meat eating, fish eating, egg eating that is alsolocation for you to reside. So kali had these 4 places “dyutam” because in this list in Bhagavat “Dyutam” – gambling is mentioned 1st, usually we say the other way round and then finally he was given one more place also, oh! Any other place you could think of? Yes! Yes!I could think of one more place. And King Parikshit said whether is gold, the black marketing unnecessary accumulation at the cost of others that is also your location.
So these places where given by King Parikshit to the age of Kali 5000 years ago and Kali had kind of hard time finding such places in those days. But gradually, gradually kali has worked very very hard and has expanded his networking day and night, you learn lesson from kali, he is very hard working determined to expand his empire and after 5000 years, he had hard time finding places of Meat eating, Gambling, Intoxication , illicit sex and now what has happened? Where are those places , where there is no meat eating? Where is that place- no illicit sex! Where is that place? Where is that country? Where there is no intoxication where is that place where there is no gambling? It’s all over everywhere this way the irreligion has been propagated spread all over the world.
As one eats meat he become merciless, this 4 sinful activities correspond to 4 pillars, 4 supports of the religion, 4 principaland positive principals of religion, correspond with the four sinful activities. The Meat eating has connection with the“Daya” “Daya dharma ka mula hai”. “Ah insa parmo dharma” the nonviolence is supreme religion, Buddha appeared and he declared this. So with meat eating all mercy is finished, no more compassion. With intoxication no more tapasya, no more austerities. Daya is the 1st principal, mercy is the 1st, then tapasya – an austerity is number 2.
With illicit sex no more “suci” no more purity which is 3rd principal of religion and gambling smashes all the truth, no more truth (satya) ‘daya, tapasya, suci-p avitrata and satya’. These are 4 pillars of dharma. These are 4 pillars of dharma, they are being weakened and destroyed by this 4 sinful activities of these age of kali.
And to conclude we could only say what is the solution “harer nama harer nama harer nameva kevaluam! Kalu nasteva nasteva nasteva gatir anytha” . Chanting of the holy name, chanting of the holy name, chanting of the holy name, chanting and hearing of the holy katha. “Sarvanam kirtanam” chanting the glories, spreading the glories of the Lord all over is the only solution “the only way you could defeat the age of kali, only way you could drive away this kali from your home, from your life , from your country is to chant out loud “Hare Krishna Hare krishna, krishna krishna Hare Hare, Hare Ram Hare Ram, Ram Ram Hare Hare” and hold Bhagavat katha preferably “ni tyam bhagavat sevaya” and eat Krsna Prasad and be in company of devotee of Shri Krsna and in this way there will be “param vijayate sri Krsna sankirtanam ” there will be victory.