Dhyana, Ritual rites and Pooja

  1. Monitor the danger sign of a runaway ego
  2. Realize that your success depends on the efforts of others.
  3. Remove self-serving and egoistic expressions from your language.
  4. Stop talking and start listening.
  5. Study the best "balancing acts" you can find.
  6. Place your stature in context
  7. Identify the motive for self-aggrandizement.
  8. Learn to laugh at yourself
  9. When you've offended or embarrassed someone, apologize.
  10. Associate with many different kinds of people.
  11. Serve the downtrodden.
  12. Become a servant leader.
Radhe Krishna All,

Source: Voice of the Guru, Hindu Dharma, The Universal way of life [ Discourses of Sri Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati Swamigal [Maha Periyava] of Kaanchi Kaamakoti Peetam ] 

The Paramatman conducts the cosmic drama playing in strange and ever new ways. Although scientists like Darwin speak of evolution, in the matter of Atomic strength, intellectual enlightenment, character and yogic power, we seem to have been going further and further down on the scale.

Since the Kruta-Yuga there has been a decline in the powers of man. In that age a man lived so long as his skeleton lasted. Even if his blood dried up and his flesh was destroyed he survived until his bones collapsed. People in the Kruta age had much power of knowledge. They were called "asti-gata-pranas".

In the Treta age people were "mamsa-gata-pranas", that is they lived so long as their flesh lasted and did not perish even when their blood dried up. They had a special capacity for performing sacrifices. In the Dvapara age people were "rudhira-gata-pranas" and lived until such time as their blood dried up. They were known especially for the puja they performed.

We of the Kali age are "anna-gata-pranas" and life will remain in our body so long as the food [nourishment] lasts. We have little capacity to meditate, perform rituals and puja. But we are capable of chanting the names of the Lord - Krishna, Rama, and so on. It is true that by muttering the names of the Lord we will be liberated.
Vijay TV Bhakthi thiruvizha 2013 - Inaugural speech by H.H.Sri Sri Muralidhara swamiji....

Regards & Chant the Maha Mantra:
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

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