Good Morning From An Astronaut In Space

WARNING: This is very addictive.
   Simple to operate, but a bugger to perfect !  Have Fun !
Okay, all you pilots and wannabe pilots. Let's test your dexterity! Here's your chance to see how you would do as the pilot of a cargo plane over a drop zone.

Breathtaking image of the first light of dawn creeping over the horizon is captured by astronaut

  • Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield has wowed Twitter with his pictures taken from the International Space Station
  • His latest image is of dawn breaking over the south west of the United States last week
By Steve Nolan and Helen Lawson
PUBLISHED: 19:26 GMT, 4 May 2013 | UPDATED: 19:26 GMT, 4 May 2013
A breathtaking image of the moon rising above the United states as dawn breaks have been posted on Twitter by an astronaut on the International Space Station.
The stunning shot, which bears striking resemblance to the beginning of the opening credits of a Universal film, was posted by Canadian Chris Hadfield who has gained a cult following on Twitter for his images of the Earth from space.
The image was shot over southwestern America and will be one of Hadfield's last tweets from space after he announced that his return to earth will commence later this month.

One of Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield's latest pictures from the International Space Station shows a darkened south-eastern United States just before dawn, with the moon rising aboveOne of Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield's latest pictures from the International Space Station shows a darkened south-eastern United States just before dawn, with the moon rising above