Destiny Improvement Atharv Ved 19.43 सौभाग्य के लिए
ऋषि: ब्रह्मा: , देवता: अग्न्यादयो: मंत्रोक्ता:
In this Atharv Ved Sookt consists of 8 mantras. The first line “यत्र ब्रह्मविदो यान्ति दीक्षया तपसा सह” is the common refrain line of all the 8 mantras. This line makes a very unique statement
“One who follows the right path and observes the correct disciplines in life and develops the right temperament in his consciousness, is blessed with all the physical bounties of health wealth and prosperity in the world.”
This faith in power of prayers has been a very strong tradition in all the religions of the world.
Modern science however has always been sceptic about such ‘blind’ faith in power of prayers and thoughts.
But according to findings of Dr Bruce Lipton a scientist working on behaviour of Cells and genetic of DNAs, has now established that human consciousness brings about specific changes in body cells. DNA being composed of cells, thus undergoes distinct modifications.
This also establishes the mistake science has so far been making to overemphasize that we are destined to our life according to our inherited DNA. Religiously oriented faithful also have strong belief in their destiny, and consider they are helpless against the force of the destiny. हमारे तो भाग्य में यही लिखा है.
According to Vedas as described in this sookt and as now confirmed by modern science man is maker of his own destiny.
इस वेद सूक्त के अनुसार और आधुनिक विज्ञान के आधार पर मानव अपने भाग्य का स्वयं निर्माण करता है.
The secret of life is no secret.
OUR POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE beliefs not only impact our health but also every aspect of our life. Henry Ford was right about the efficiency of assembly lines, and he was right about the power of the mind: “If you believe you can or if you believe you can’t . . . you’re right.” Think about the implications of the man who blithely drank the bacteria that medicine had decided caused cholera. Consider the people who walk across coals without getting burned. If they wobble in the steadfastness of their belief that they can do it, they wind up with burned feet. Your beliefs act like filters on a camera, changing how you see the world. And your biology adapts to those beliefs. When we truly recognize that our beliefs are that powerful, we hold the key to freedom. While we cannot readily change the codes of our genetic blueprints, we can change our minds and, in the process, switch the blueprints used to express our genetic potential.
In my lectures I provide two sets of plastic filters, one red and one green. I have the audience pick one color and then look at a blank screen. I then tell them to yell out whether the image I project next is one that generates love or generates fear. Those in the audience that don the red “belief” filters see an inviting picture of a cottage labeled “House of Love,” flowers, a sunny sky and the message: “I live in Love.” Those wearing the green filters see a threatening dark sky, bats, snakes, a ghost hovering outside a dark, gloomy house and the words: “I live in fear.” I always get enjoyment out of seeing how the audience responds to the confusion when half yell out: “I live in love,” and the other half, in equal certainty, yells out: “I live in fear” in response to the same image.
Then I ask the audience to change to the opposite colored filters. My point is that you can choose what to see. You can filter your life with rose-colored beliefs that will help your body grow or you can use a dark filter that turns everything black and makes your body/mind more susceptible to disease. You can live a life of fear or live a life of love. You have the choice! But I can tell you that if you choose to see a world full of love, your body will respond by growing in health. If you choose to believe that you live in a dark world full of fear, your body’s health will be compromised as you physiologically close yourself down in a protection response.
Learning how to harness your mind to promote growth is the secret of life, which is why I called my book The Biology of Belief. Of course the secret of life is not a secret at all. Teachers like Buddha and Jesus have been telling us the same story for millennia. Now science is pointing in the same direction. It is not our genes but our beliefs that control our lives . . . Oh ye of little belief!
Living in love and living in fear create opposite effects in the body and the mind. I’d just like to emphasize again that not only is there nothing wrong with going through life wearing the proverbial rose-colored glasses. In fact, those rose-colored glasses are necessary for your cells to thrive. Positive thoughts are a biological mandate for a happy, healthy life. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi:
Your beliefs become your thoughts
Your thoughts become your words
Your words become your actions
Your actions become your habits
Your habits become your values
Your values become your destiny
1. यत्र ब्रह्मविदो यान्ति दीक्षया तपसा सह ।
अग्निर्मा तत्र नयत्वग्निर्मेधा दधातु मे ।अग्नये स्वाहा । ।AV19.43.1
(यत्र ) जहां (ब्रह्मविदो) – समस्त वेदों के ज्ञान को जानने वाले ( दीक्षया) सब यम नियमों के व्रतों के संकल्प से (तपसा सह) प्रयत्न पूर्वक आचरण करके (यान्ति ) जाते हैं , रहते हैं. उन की बुद्धि में देवताओं की ऊर्जा स्थापित होती है.
(इसी संदर्भ मे एक अत्यन्त प्रसिद्ध मंत्र दैनिक यज्ञ में भी प्रयुक्त होता है. “ यां मेधां देवगणा: पितरश्चोपासते तया मामद्य मेधयाग्ने मेधाविनं कुरु स्वाहा:” )
Wherever individuals dwell who observe well disciplined, intellectually consciously positive and socially constructive thoughts and behaviour , their intellect are set afire with positive energies.
2. यत्र ब्रह्मविदो यान्ति दीक्षया तपसा सह ।
वायुर्मा तत्र नयतु वायुः प्रणान्दधातु मे वायवे स्वाहा । । AV19.43.2
(यत्र) जहां (ब्रह्मविदो ) – समस्त वेदों के ज्ञान को जानने वाले ( दीक्षया) सब यम नियमों के व्रतों के संकल्प से (तपसा सह) प्रयत्न पूर्वक आचरण करके (यान्ति ) जाते हैं ,स्वच्छ वायु मे श्वास लेने से निरोगी शरीर प्राण शक्ति द्वारा सौभाग्य प्रदान करता है.
Wherever individuals dwell, who observe well disciplined, intellectually consciously positive and socially constructive thoughts and behaviour, they achieve the wisdom to gain health by having healthy fresh air to breath around them.
3. यत्र ब्रह्मविदो यान्ति दीक्षया तपसा सह ।
सूर्यो मा तत्र नयतु चक्षुः सूर्यो दधातु मे ।सूर्याय स्वाहा । । AV19.43.3
(यत्र ) जहां (ब्रह्मविदो ) – समस्त वेदों के ज्ञान को जानने वाले ( दीक्षया) सब यम नियमों के व्रतों के संकल्प से (तपसा सह) प्रयत्न पूर्वक आचरण करके (यान्ति ) जाते हैं ,सूर्य देवता से समस्त शरीर की पुष्टि प्राप्त होती है. चक्षुओं से आरम्भ कर के
इस संदर्भ में सूर्य देवता का दैनिक संध्या का मंत्र “तच्चक्षुर्देवहितं पुरस्ताच्छुक्रमुच्चरत् ! पश्येम शरद: शतं जीवेम शरद: शतं शृणुयाम सहरद: शतं प्रब्रवाम शरद:सतमदीना: स्याम शरद: शतं भूयश्च सरद: शतात् “ भी पठनीय है
(आधुनिक विज्ञान के अनुसार गर्भ में मानव शरीर में सर्व प्रथम ज्ञानेंद्रियों में इस नेत्रों की ही संरचना होती है. इसी अधार पर वेद मंत्र में सर्व प्रथम चक्षुओं के उपदेश की वैज्ञानिकता सिद्ध होती है.) .
Wherever individuals dwell, who observe well disciplined, intellectually consciously positive and socially constructive thoughts and behaviour, they have the wisdom to harness the bounties of Sun for their health& prosperity.
(Modern science confirms that exposure to sun provides the human body the most important hormone for health of human body ordinarily called Vitamin D. Through photosynthesis in biology, solar sterilization &a source of sustainable energy SUN is the most venerable sustainable source for welfare of society.)
4 यत्र ब्रह्मविदो यान्ति दीक्षया तपसा सह ।
चन्द्रो मा तत्र नयतु मनश्चन्द्रो दधातु मे ।चन्द्राय स्वाहा । । AV19.43.4
(यत्र) जहां (ब्रह्मविदो ) – समस्त वेदों के ज्ञान को जानने वाले ( दीक्षया) सब यम नियमों के व्रतों के संकल्प से (तपसा सह) प्रयत्न पूर्वक आचरण करके (यान्ति ) जाते
हैं , -“ चंद्रमा वै सोमो राजा ” चन्द्रमा के प्रभाव से ज्ञानी व्यक्ति उत्तम
मनसिकता को प्राप्त करते हैं.
(वैदिक परम्परा में चंद्रमा का मानव भावनाओं को दिशा प्रदान करने में अत्यंत महत्व बताया गया है. चंद्रमा किस प्रकार मन को प्रेरित करता है, यह भी एक वेदोंमें विज्ञान का एक अत्यंत वैज्ञानिक विषय है. आधुनिक विज्ञान के अनुसार स्थूल ग्रहों के गुरुत्वाकर्षण का प्रभाव समुद्र में चंद्रमा की पूर्णमास और अमावस्या से ज्वार भाटों के क्रम से स्पष्ट दीखता है. मानव शरीर की संरचना में जल तत्व 65% से अधिक होता है. चंद्रमा की दशा का प्रभाव जैसे समुद्र के ज्वार भाटे में होता है, उसी प्रकार मानव शरीर पर भी चंद्रमा की दशा का प्रभाव होगा. मानव मस्तिष्क में तो 80% जल तत्व होता है. जल तत्व का प्रभाव हमारे मस्तिष्क पर जब अधिक होगा तो मस्तिष्क शांति से सकारात्मक भावनाओं से प्रेरित होगा. जैसे प्यासे रहने पर आप की मानसिकता व्यग्र और पानी से तृप्त रहने पर संतुष्ट होगी.)
Wherever individuals dwell, who observe well disciplined, intellectually consciously positive and socially constructive thoughts and behaviour , in their midst Lunar forces activate mental approaches and control over their behaviour.
(Modern science confirms that movement of water in ocean tides is governed by interaction of the force of this planet’s gravity. Human body consists of more than 65% water. However human brain is nearly 80% water. It is therefore logical that corresponding ebb and tide of water in our human body will be also be subjected to lunar influences and affect human behaviour.
5 . यत्र ब्रह्मविदो यान्ति दीक्षया तपसा सह ।
सोमो मा तत्र नयतु पयः सोमो दधातु मे ।सोमाय स्वाहा । । AV19.43.5
(यत्र) जहां (ब्रह्मविदो) – समस्त वेदों के ज्ञान को जानने वाले ( दीक्षया) सब यम नियमों के व्रतों के संकल्प से (तपसा सह) प्रयत्न पूर्वक आचरण करके (यान्ति ) जाते हैं , - “ सोम: पय:”- सोम धारण करने के लिए उत्तम गोदुग्ध की व्यवस्था करते है.
Wherever individuals dwell, who observe well disciplined, intellectually consciously positive and socially constructive thoughts and behaviour dwell, they have the wisdom to obtain for themselves cow’s milk for their virility & character.
10. यत्र ब्रह्मविदो यान्ति दीक्षया तपसा सह ।
इन्द्रो मा तत्र नयतु बलं इन्द्रो दधातु मे ।इन्द्राय स्वाहा । । AV19.43.6
(यत्र) जहां (ब्रह्मविदो) – समस्त वेदों के ज्ञान को जानने वाले ( दीक्षया) सब यम नियमों के व्रतों के संकल्प से (तपसा सह) प्रयत्न पूर्वक आचरण करके (यान्ति ) जाते हैं , इंद्रत्व के बल द्वारा समस्त ऐश्वर्य को प्राप्त करते हैं.
Wherever individuals dwell, who observe well disciplined, intellectually consciously positive and socially constructive thoughts and behaviour, they develop the positive action oriented temperaments & strength to obtain all the prosperity in life.
11. यत्र ब्रह्मविदो यान्ति दीक्षया तपसा सह ।
आपो मा तत्र नयत्वमृतं मोप तिष्ठतु ।अद्भ्यः स्वाहा । । AV19.43.7
(यत्र) जहां (ब्रह्मविदो) – समस्त वेदों के ज्ञान को जानने वाले ( दीक्षया) सब यम नियमों के व्रतों के संकल्प से (तपसा सह) प्रयत्न पूर्वक आचरण करके (यान्ति ) जाते हैं , वे उत्तम जल स्थापित करते हैं (“ आपो यं व: प्रथमं देवयन्त” ऋ7.47.1 उत्तम जल ही समस्त कामनाओं को सिद्ध करने का प्रथम साधन है
Wherever individuals dwell, who observe well disciplined, intellectually consciously positive and socially constructive thoughts and behaviour dwell, they establish availability of best quality water.
12. यत्र ब्रह्मविदो यान्ति दीक्षया तपसा सह ।
ब्रह्मा मा तत्र नयतु ब्रह्मा ब्रह्म दधातु मे ।ब्रह्मणे स्वाहा । । AV19.43.8
(यत्र) जहां (ब्रह्मविदो) – समस्त वेदों के ज्ञान को जानने वाले ( दीक्षया) सब यम नियमों के व्रतों के संकल्प से (तपसा सह) प्रयत्न पूर्वक आचरण करके (यान्ति ) जाते हैं , वे ब्रह्म में स्थापित हो जाते हैं.समस्त रूप से सुंदर भौतिकता को प्राप्त करते हैं. (अथामूर्त्तं ब्रह्मणो रूपम्- जो भी भौतिक जगत में सौंदर्य है वह ब्रह्म का ही रूप है. )
Wherever individuals who observe well disciplined, intellectually consciously positive and socially constructive thoughts and behaviour dwell, they achieve the most beautiful environments.
Subodh Kumar,
C-61 Ramprasth,
Maharshi Dayanand Gosamwardhan Kendra , Delhi-96
Science is belief in the ignorance of Experts- Richard Feynmann