Only 26 per cent of 6,027 MBA students in 96 management colleges across the state managed to clear all the papers of their first semester examinations held in January this year. These colleges are affiliated to the Gujarat Technological University (GTU) that also takes care of engineering and pharmacy institutes as well.
However, the remaining 74 per cent of students, who received ATKT (allowed to keep term) for having failed in one to four subjects, were promoted to the second semester. According to university authorities, they were promoted to the next semester under a policy in most of the Indian universities though it has come under criticism from some quarters.
The university officials, in private conversation, admit that this is not a good trend in management education who are excepted to take up challenging assignments after completion of their degrees. But they say this is the trend all over the country excepting a few well-known management institutes.
But Vice-Chancellor Akshai Aggarwal tried to make light of the results by saying that the pass percentage in six, out of seven subjects, was from 63.7 per cent to 88.4 per cent. It was only in Quantitative Analysis paper involving mathematical calculations that 51 per cent of the students failed, bringing down the overall pass percentage to merely 26 per cent.
University officials said most of the students having received ATKT or failed in one to four subjects were from colleges in mofussil towns where there was no proper arrangement of teachers and libraries. Officials said the performance of students in cities like Ahmedabad, Vadodara and Surat was, however, satisfactory.
Aggarwal said there was acute shortage of teachers in management institutes located in smaller towns.
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