Right Strategy?

Dear Colleague,

Are you following the right Strategy?
Is everyone on your team on board with this strategy? In other words, are you doing the right things to accomplish what you set out to accomplish.

Most firms think they have a viable strategy, but don't. There are four critical decisions (PEOPLE, STRATEGY, EXECUTION AND CASH) anchoring an effective strategy for dominating your industry which revolve around Verne's famous One-Page Strategic Planning document.

We are presenting one day Special Management Program entitled "Winning Growth Strategies" with fame Verne Harnish, Growth Guru, Columnist and author of "Mastering the Rockefeller Habits" on 27th February 2015 in Mumbai.

Why is Verne's one-day program so effective? Verne's One-Page Strategic Plan is the most practical and actionable framework for growing companies. He helps CEOs create focus, alignment, better communication and a killer strategy.

Verne will help you and your team nail the four decisions which are fundamental for you not only to survive but thrive in the changing world of business and increase the value of your growing business!

Key reasons why you can’t afford to miss Verne Harnish:

• Verne Harnish is rated one of the Top Ten Minds in Business by Fortune Magazine and has all of the credentials to help you plan and execute your growth strategy.
• The workshop will have insights from Scaling Up + Mastering Rockefeller the Habits which incorporates all the learning’s and experiences over the past decade.
• The Growth Tools have gone through a major revision – the first major revision in a decade. You will learn the 7 strategy decisions that will minimize competition
• Learn how to improve the FACE and PACE of the organization, driving better accountability and results
• Understand how technology can take the personality, politics, and position bias out of the decision-making process. Verne will show you how to get your team aligned and on the same page and catapult your organization ahead of competitors.

Your team will GAIN:
• An overview of new material included in Scaling Up.
• Simple Actionable Execution Tools to improve your business results right away.
• A guaranteed method of ensuring you have strategic alignment across the entire team.

Who should attend?
Anyone charged with driving sustainable growth and value throughout an organisation.

Registration Fees:

1-4 delegates - INR 20,000* each
5 and more delegates - INR 17,500* each.

Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm

Venue: Hotel Kohinoor Continental, Andheri (E)

Do not miss the opportunity to educate yourselves and your employees. The more people get familiar with these revolutionary and proven concepts, the better your organization will be to reap breakthrough benefits. REGISTER NOW!
If you have any questions regarding the event then please do not hesitate to contact me on +91 9892838970.
Best Regards,
Nikita D'mello