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International Journal of Managment, IT and Engineering
Year : 2014, Volume : 4, Issue : 3
First page : ( 229) Last page : ( 236) 
Online ISSN : 2249-0558. 
Employees efficiency analysis of private & public sector banks of India
Mr. Gajera Alpesh*, Dr. Pithadia Vijay**
*Asst. Professor, Department of M.B.A., Shri Sunshine Group of Institutions, Rajkot
**Director, Smt. S H Gajera MBA Mahila College, Amreli
Online published on 20 March, 2014.
From Independence onward contribution of banking sector in Indian economy is remarkable. Although history of Indian Economy is full of many ups and down, but it always emerge as more strengthen sector after each and every up downs. In current scenario Indian Banking Sector is considered as backbone of Indian Economy. In this research paper researcher is analyzing employee's efficiency of private and public sector banks of India by taking financial ratios of four parameters indicating employee's efficiency of commercial banks. It includes Profit per employee (Lakhs), Business per employee (Lakhs), Wages as % of total expenses and Wages as % of total income. Currently all commercial banks are going through the phase of recruitment because of two main reasons. Firstly retirement of existing employees of old banks and second is expansion presser for newly establish bank to provide well establish network to customers. So in this phase it's become necessity for any banks to know the employee's of their own as well as employee's efficiency of competitor bank and banking sector.
Employees efficiency, Comparison, Private Banks, Public Banks, Commercial Banks.
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