Various types of Vending Machines

Here’s some of the most bizarre and unusual vending machines we’ve come across. You truly can buy ANYTHING in a vending machine, even some things you probably don’t want. If you like this post, please deposit 25 cents in the slot (or share with your friends). Here we go:
gold vending machine 356x500 10 Most Unusual Vending Machines
Gold! It’s a gold coins vending machine. I hope you brought a LOT of quarters.

bicycle vending machine 500x331 10 Most Unusual Vending Machines
Bicycle vending machine from the Dutch (who else?!) is appropriately sized for the bikes it sells with a hole that fits the weird looking bikes. And if your bicycle breaks down there’s always the:
bike parts vending 10 Most Unusual Vending Machines
Bicycle parts vending machine! I can’t imagine there’s much of a market for the few specific parts it stocks but it’s there if you break down in the middle of the night.
weed atm 10 Most Unusual Vending Machines
Weed vending machine. Set up for medical marijuana patients at a clinic in Los Angeles, the vault-like machines require your fingerprints to dispense the good stuff.
12 pack vending 10 Most Unusual Vending Machines
12 pack vending machine. Everything really is bigger in Texas. This should be standard everywhere. And you don’t need to give your fingerprints to get the good stuff. Just a lot of quarters.
lobster claw game 10 Most Unusual Vending Machines
The Live Lobster Claw game isn’t technically a vending machine since there’s no guarantee you’ll get a lobster, but if you can snag one in 30 seconds you’ll have yourself a $2 lobster, a heck of a deal and a heck of a meal.
china vending machine 505x358 10 Most Unusual Vending Machines
Plate smashing vending machine doesn’t give you anything other than the satisfaction of smashing chinaware to bits. But oh what satisfaction that is.
runnin shoe vending machine 10 Most Unusual Vending Machines
Sneakers vending machine. Because if there’s one impulse purchase you’re going to make while walking down the street, it’s probably going to be either a snack or a new pair of running shoes.
hot dog vending 10 Most Unusual Vending Machines
Nathan’s Coney Island hot dogs vending machine. Rabbi certified as Kosher. Craziest Gadgets certified as delicious. That’s hot.
human vending machine 450x302 10 Most Unusual Vending Machines
The Human Assisted Vending Machine has a man inside to help you with your vending selection. Don’t shake the machine! Worst job ever.
Gold Vending Machine

Coca-Cola Robot Vending Machine

Coca-Cola Robot Vending Machine

Eggs Vending Machine

Eggs Vending Machine

SMART Car Vending Machine

Ice Vending Machine

Ice Vending Machine

Beer Vending Machine

Beer Vending Machine

Umbrella Vending Machine

Umbrella Vending Machine

Pringles Vending Machine

Pringles Vending Machine

Instant Noodles Vending Machine

Instant Noodles Vending Machine

Flowers Vending Machine

Necktie Vending Machine

Necktie Vending Machine

Sneaker Vending Machine

Sneaker Vending Machine

Vegetables Vending Machine

Live Lobsters Vending Machine

Live Lobsters Vending Machine

Swim wear Vending  Machine

Rice Vending Machine

Rice Vending Machine

Milk Vending Machine

Milk Vending Machine