Dear Sir/Madam,
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Allied Research Review and Practices(IJMARRP) welcomes the original research article, long papers and short papers for the issue of August/September 2016.
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Published By : International Journal of Multidisciplinary Allied Research Review and Practices.
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Note:-1. Free publication facility giving those candidate if they are send this mail to forward 50 other person as CC to other for example as TO CC other 50 Candidates. if above condition is not eligible Paper charge for this edition is rs 1000/- per paper.
2. Editoral Membership:- Who Completed Ph.d as join as editoral Board. please visit website.But same process above mail. and send Updated CV.
Best regards,
Editor in Chief,
International Journal of Multidisciplinary allied research review and Practices (IJMARRP)
ISSN 2455 - 1570
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