Dear All
Greetings from Clementking
Thanking you for your interest to take part in IIRVCSETA - 2016
Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR), India initiated and hosted IIR 2nd Virtual Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology Applications (IIRSVCSETA2016) as a pioneer in virtual conference. It is aimed to provide the online forum to the young graduates to present their unique, significant innovative researches in science, engineering and technology and its applications to rest of the world through online. It focuses on various models that are evolving to enhance the impact of Science, Engineering Technology and social research in the modern era. The conference will provide an opportunity for networking and collaboration amongst scholars from academia, industry and government. It provides the platform to present their innovation and secure research identity and ownership for their contributions. IIR is a pioneer in launching virtual conference in India to promote knowledge sharing among Students, faculty, Scholars and professionals via online.
The conference received 20 papers from India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Myanmar, Russia, and KSA. The papers are presented in Online, video presentation and In-absentee mode. Selected papers are recommended to publish in SCOPUS indexed and IIR groups of journals. The members are participated from India, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Oman. Invited talks are delivered by
Dr. Radhakrishnan Palanikumar. Dept. of Computer Science, King Khalid University, KSA , Dr. T. Velmurugan, Dept. of Computer Science and Applications, D.G.Vaishnav College, Chennai , Dr. S. Angel Latha Mary, Dept. of CSE, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore , Dr. S. Sasikala, Dept. of Computer Science, IDE, University of Madras, Chennai are delivered the invited talk with the scope of the conference . As a General Chair of IIR Second Virtual Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology Applications (IIRSVCSETA2016), I am thanking you all the members of Advisory Committee, Organizing Committee, Publication Committee and all the authors those who made is conference as a successful one .
Special thanks to Dr.J. Satheesh Kumar, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India, For his continuous support for the publication and Mr.A.Naveen, IIR India for his coordination and administrative support.
I am thanking you all the members for their support and contributions.
Herewith i attached the process to login for any meeting , conference schedule and registration for for those who needs digital participation certificate
Thanking you
Dr. A.Clementking,
IIRSVCSETA2016 General Chair & Founder Director , IIR India
8th International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering Science and Management (ICIRESM-16)
The Institutions of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), Delhi, India
Date of Conference: 18 December 2016
Topic of Interest
All Engineering, Science and Management Stream
- USD 150/100 for foreign authors
- INR 2000/ 2500/3000 for Indian scholars( Students)/ faculty members/ Corporate Executive
- 25% of fee is exempted for Multiple Submission/Life member of IETE.
Publication of Paper
- Publication of Papers in ISSN Peer Reviewed International Journals
- Conference Proceedings with ISBN
- Presentaion and publication certificate
- Papers in absentia welcome.Certificates will be dispatched.
mail your paper at by 08 December 2016
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