Little Known Operating Systems

Operating Systems You May Not Have Heard Of (But Should)

1. KolibriOS: Smallest GUI OS

2. Firefox OS: Mozilla’s Mobile OS

Mozilla has tried to bring a completely open source mobile platform. . Codenamed Boot2Gecko, Mozilla branded it under the name of Firefox OS after its popular and open source web browser, Firefox. It is built on open web standards such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

3. Slax: Pocket OS

4. Ubuntu for Phones: Content-focused UI

Ubuntu, the most popular desktop Linux distribution, is now available for phones under the name of Ubuntu for Phones, on top of Ubuntu for tablets, Ubuntu Server edition and Ubuntu Desktop. One of Ubuntu’s innovative features is that developers can write one app for all Ubuntu devices, which will be available via the Ubuntu Software Centre.

5. ReactOS: Windows-like OS

6. Tizen OS: Samsung’s replacement for Bada OS

Samsung relies heavily on Android for its smartphone market share, but it’s trying to find alternative options. While it has the Bada OS, there are plans to replace the mobile OS on their smartphones with Tizen OS, an open source and standards-based software platform.

7. Tails: Amnesic and Incognito OS

8. Qubes OS: Security-by-Isolation OS
