Call for Participation

Call for Participation in UGC National Research Workshop on 29, 30 and 31 st October, 2014.
Present your paper.
For more details open the attached brochure.
Think positive , keep smiling and spread happiness.
Regards and Best Wishes ,

Captain ( Dr. ) Sunil GoyalMobile + 91 94253 82228
Dear Sir / Mam,

Greetings from TERI!

ENERGY FUTURE’ the quarterly magazine, brought to you by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), India’s leading research institute on energy and green growth, is focused on the wide world of energy, it’s security and development to ensure the growth of global economy.

The forthcoming issue of Energy Future (October – December 2014), is due for publication in October 2014, and we would like to invite you to contribute to this issue with informative content based on policy developments, technology updates, innovations, current scenario etc., in the energy (renewable and non-renewable) sector.

The publication material may be in the format of a success story, a feature piece, technology solutions or a viewpoint. The magazine has a special section which is focused specially on the solar industry. 

You may send in your contribution relating to your area/work/activities for publication in this issue latest by 10 October 2014. The authors of all published articles will be entitled to receive an honorarium for their contribution.

Your active support and contribution will help us to bring out a quality publication of Energy Future.

With best regards,

Sanjeev Sharma  |  Senior Executive - Marketing   |  TERI Press   |  Darbari Seth Block, IHC Complex, Lodhi Road  | New Delhi - 110 003  | INDIA
T: +91 11 24682100 / 24682111, Extn. 2730   |  F: +91 11 24682144 / +91 11 24682145  |  M:+91 981077 9178
E: Sanjeev.Sharma@teri.res.in   |  W: www.teriin.org
Online Bookstore: http://bookstore.teriin.org