001-Akela the Lone Wolf-Sixteen illustrations of subjects from Kipling's Jungle Book-1903 -Library of Congress

002 The board of the Rock-Sixteen illustrations of subjects from Kipling's Jungle Book-1903 -Library of Congress

Mowgli and Bhagheera-002a-1913-The jungle book

003-Mowgli out of the forest-Sixteen illustrations of subjects from Kipling's Jungle Book-1903 -Library of Congress

004-Baloo in the forest-Sixteen illustrations of subjects from Kipling's Jungle Book-1903 -Library of Congress

005-The purple cold-Sixteen illustrations of subjects from Kipling's Jungle Book-1903 -Library of Congress

006-The struggle of the monkeys-Sixteen illustrations of subjects from Kipling's Jungle Book-1903 -Library of Congress

007-Kaa the python-Sixteen illustrations of subjects from Kipling's Jungle Book-1903 -Library of Congress

008-The village council-Sixteen illustrations of subjects from Kipling's Jungle Book-1903 -Library of Congress

009-The Return of the Herd of buffalo-Sixteen illustrations of subjects from Kipling's Jungle Book-1903 -Library of Congress

010-Shere Khan in the Jungle-Sixteen illustrations of subjects from Kipling's Jungle Book-1903 -Library of Congress

011-Mowgli and Sixteen-lone wolf illustrations of subjects from Kipling's Jungle Book-1903 -Library of Congress

Rikki-Tikki-012-Sixteen illustrations of subjects from Kipling's Jungle Book-1903 -Library of Congress

013-Elephant with trim-Sixteen illustrations of subjects from Kipling's Jungle Book-1903 -Library of Congress

014- Dancing Elephants-Sixteen illustrations of subjects from Kipling's Jungle Book-1903 -Library of Congress

015-Toomai of the Elephants-Sixteen illustrations of subjects from Kipling's Jungle Book-1903 -Library of Congress
Note to Image 015 : Tomai was the name of a trainer of elephants figure in a Kipling story first published in St. Nicholas Magazine (December 1893), and subsequently included in the first edition and later boy "Book Jungle. "

I have reduced the download images in jpg 60-70% of original size, cut the excess and corrected contrast.