I think it's a pretty good bet that the two scariest words for any cell phone user are "low battery". Apart from getting it wet, getting a low power warning is the worst thing that can happen to your smartphone, and most of us are constantly aware of how our battery is doing and if it needs to be charged. |
Dr. Vijay Pithadia, FIETE, PhD, MBA Director, PhD Guided: 5, Author of 6 Books, Google Scholar Citations - 635, h-index - 8, i10-index-8, M: +91 9898422655 UGC/Scopus/Web of Science Publication: 31, Referred Publication: 67, Book Chapters: 12, Full Papers Published in Conference Proceedings: 21, Patent Published: 3, Invited Lectures and Chairmanship etc.: 44, Conference Organized: 4, AICTE faculty ID: 1-24647366683