GITAM School of International Business

Dear Madam/Sir,
It gives me immense pleasure in inviting you to the 2nd International conference on Applied Economics and Finance (ICAEF) on February 06, 2016 in association with The Indian Econometric Society (TIES) at GITAM School of International Business (GSIB), GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
The conference has identified some topics under the area of applied economics and finance, and given in the brochure. But, they are only suggestive. Any topic which is kindred to the topic suggested is welcome for writing and presenting as paper in the conference. One soft copy of abstract/research paper will have to be submitted tochinmayabehera@gitam.in or chinmayaeco@gmail.com  by December 15, 2015.
Important Dates;
Submission of Abstract: November 15, 2015
Submission of Full paper: December 15, 2015
Intimation of Acceptance Letter: December 30, 2015
Submission of Registration Form: January 15, 2016
Conference Date: February 06, 2016

Herewith, I have attached conference brochure for further details about the ICAEF conference. Please mail or call me for any queries regarding the conference.

Please circulate this information among your colleagues and research scholars for a wider participation.

Thanking you,
With best regards,
Dr. Chinmaya Behera (Conference Director)
Assistant Professor
GITAM School of International Business
GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, AP
Mobile: (0)9951385778

  Research/Review/Case Reports
(ISSN: 2393-8870)
Directory of Science Score: 15.39 
An International, Monthly, Online, Open Access, Peer Review, Indexed, Fast track, Scientific Research Journal
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