Journal of Business Economics and Information Technology

Dear Pithadia Vijay,

The Journal of Business Economics and Information Technology is a journal dedicated to promote and publish original articles in business economics and information technology, aim to reduce the gap between research and practice.

The JBEIT is part of ScientificEducation.Org and contribute to the development of theory and practice of business economics and information technology. Accepts academic papers, book’s, case studies, articles.

The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Papers may be submitted from any discipline related of  business economics and information technology.

What you get?
    Your paper will be published in the online version of Journal (ISSN: 2393 – 3259)
    Your paper will be indexed in all international scientific databases where the Journal is indexed
    Official document which proves the participation in the Journal

For more details please visit http://www.scientificeducation.org or write us an email atcontact@scientificeducation.org

Best regards,

Laura Smedoiu
Assistant Editor

Journal of Business Economics and Information Technology
part of ScientificEducation.Org