The world’s largest cave managed to remain hidden for all this time; it is thought that finding this cave is only scratching the surface. Hang Son Dong has a jungle inside and a skyscraper could fit inside it too. And the end is out of sight. “Like a castle on a knoll, a rock formation shines beneath a skylight in Hang Son Dong. Click the link below: Video at the end.
Dr. Vijay Pithadia, FIETE, PhD, MBA Director, PhD Guided: 5, Author of 6 Books, Google Scholar Citations - 635, h-index - 8, i10-index-8, M: +91 9898422655 UGC/Scopus/Web of Science Publication: 31, Referred Publication: 67, Book Chapters: 12, Full Papers Published in Conference Proceedings: 21, Patent Published: 3, Invited Lectures and Chairmanship etc.: 44, Conference Organized: 4, AICTE faculty ID: 1-24647366683