Dear Author/Researcher,
Established in 1995, Tolani Institute of Management Studies is an A+ Grade institute and is one of the most sought after institute for the students and Corporate.Building on its success in management teaching, the institute has embarked on an ambitious path to promote and develop research in management and business.
I am pleased to draw your kind attention and Invite you to submit your case study to our research periodical (August, case study Issue) “Quest-Journal of Management and Research” (ISSN: 0976-3317).
Quest - Journal of Management & Research (QJMR) is a referred Research Journal, which aims to promote the theory and practice of Business and Management. QJMR will act as a medium for the dissemination of a variety of international issues, empirical research and other matters of interest to scholars, researcher and practitioners in a diversity of subject areas linked to the broad theme of Business and Management.
Submitted papers will be reviewed by technical committees of the Journal. Quest is steered by a distinguished Board of Directors, Researchers and Academicians and is supported by an international review board consisting of prominent individuals representing many well-known universities, colleges, and corporate world.
To maintain a high-quality journal, manuscripts that appear in the Quest have been subjected to a rigorous review process, a process that may take three months followed by a detailed review by the Quest editors. This includes blind reviews by three or more members of the editorial review board.
Full text papers (.doc) will be accepted only by E-mail:
Guideline about authors will be downloaded from our website
Send your case study at the earliest possible.
Last Date for Submission-25th April, 2014
Managing Editor
Quest – Journal of Management & Research
Tolani Institute of Management Studies
Adipur (Kachchh)