Fins Of Beauty

Fins of beauty! Stunning pictures show Siamese fighting fish apparently floating in mid-air

PUBLISHED: 03:06 GMT, 20 March 2014 UPDATED: 03:06 GMT, 20 March 2014

These astonishing portraits of Siamese fighting fish show them seemingly floating in mid-air. With long flowing fins and brilliant colours, the images show the elegant creatures in all their beauty. Photographer Visarute Angkatavanich captured the pictures using a range of lighting techniques in his studio and with crystal-clear water. The 43-year-old commerical photographer from Bangkok chose to start taking images of fish after recalling fond memories of keeping them as a child. The fish have been carefully bred for more than 120 years to create the species we see today.
Spectacular photographs: With long flowing fins and brilliant colours, this striking photograph shows the elegant Siamese fighting fish in all its beauty
Spectacular photographs: With long flowing fins and brilliant colours, this striking photograph shows the elegant Siamese fighting fish in all its beauty
Impressive sight: Photographer Visarute Angkatavanich captured the pictures using a range of lighting techniques in his studio and crystal-clear water
Impressive sight: Photographer Visarute Angkatavanich captured the pictures using a range of lighting techniques in his studio and crystal-clear water
Pretty: This astonishing portrait of Siamese fighting fish seemingly floating in mid-air reveals their vivid array of colours
Pretty: This astonishing portrait of Siamese fighting fish seemingly floating in mid-air reveals their vivid array of colours
All white: The 43-year-old photographer decided to turn his hand to capturing images of fish after recalling fond memories of keeping them as a child
All white: The 43-year-old photographer decided to turn his hand to capturing images of fish after recalling fond memories of keeping them as a child
Taking care: The Siamese fighting fish, also known as betta fish have been bred for more than 120 years to create the colourful species we see today
Taking care: The Siamese fighting fish, also known as betta fish have been bred for more than 120 years to create the colourful species we see today
Inspiration: The photographer said he had been 'walking in a pet market one day and I happened to notice the bettafish I used to  keep when I was young'
Inspiration: The photographer said he had been 'walking in a pet market one day and I happened to notice the bettafish I used to keep when I was young'
Red alert: Mr Angkatavanich said he thought it 'would be a great project to try and capture this beauty in one single moment'
Red alert: Mr Angkatavanich said he thought it 'would be a great project to try and capture this beauty in one single moment'
Correct conditions: The creatures look special when photographed 'with the right  lighting techniques and at a high shutter speed', Mr Angkatavanich said
Correct conditions: The creatures look special when photographed 'with the right lighting techniques and at a high shutter speed', Mr Angkatavanich said
Specific look: The photographer found it was best 'not to have a fixed format of lighting and just go with what worked for each individual fish'
Specific look: The photographer found it was best 'not to have a fixed format of lighting and just go with what worked for each individual fish'
Detail: The creatures 'have a reputation for being aggressive fish but they are very gentle creatures - it is just when two males are put together'
Detail: The creatures 'have a reputation for being aggressive fish but they are very gentle creatures - it is just when two males are put together'
Colourful Siamese fighting fish
Long flowing fins and brilliant colours
Delightful images: Mr Angkatavanich wants his work to 'highlight how stunning these fish really are and aren't just simple pets'
Big project: Mr Angkatavanich, who is a commercial photographer by trade, decided to start taking images of the fish after noticing them at a pet market
Big project: Mr Angkatavanich, who is a commercial photographer by trade, decided to start taking images of the fish after noticing them at a pet market
Glowing: Mr Angkatavanich,a 43-year-old photographer, studied communication arts at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand
Glowing: Mr Angkatavanich,a 43-year-old photographer, studied communication arts at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand