High Tide / Low Tide!

For 8 years, Michael Marten has been taking photos from different spots of the British coast line, documenting the daily rhythms of the tides. This gave way to a special landscape project. Marten took photos of the same locations 8 and 16 hours apart, and showed the contrast between those images, a work displaying the dynamic nature of the tides and how landscape can be drastically different on a daily basis.

To see the change, click on any of these photos of low tide to see what they look like during high tide! 
low and high tide
low and high tide

low and high tide
low and high tide

low and high tide
low and high tide

low and high tide
low and high tide

low and high tide
low and high tide

low and high tide
low and high tide

low and high tide
low and high tide

low and high tide
low and high tide

low and high tide
low and high tide

low and high tide
low and high tide

low and high tide
low and high tide