Miniature Houses

Let's face it, no one is making more land, but we ARE making more people. Space to build your house is becoming smaller, forcing many to take a different approach to construction and interior design. In recent years, we've seen a definite trend towards smaller scale houses, that cover less space but still, if you have a decent designer, make room for all the things you need while avoiding the impression of a cramped space. Here are some fine examples:

This wood house proves that even a minimalist design can give a sense of warmth and coziness.
miniature houses

miniature houses

miniature houses

miniature houses

A tiny house renovated from a container. It may seem off putting from the outside, but container houses are in big demand these days, being strong and spacy, and this house looks amazing on the inside. 
miniature houses

miniature houses

miniature houses

miniature houses

miniature houses

A recycled wooden house. As you can see in the photo, this wooden house has an entire wall made of old windows. This is an extraordinary way of recycling glass, not to mention the impressive design that gives the house charm. 
miniature houses

miniature houses

miniature houses

miniature houses

This miniature wooden house is a smart combination of traditional rural and modern construction. With sofas pulled out of the wall, folding stairs that lead to a gallery and the kind of beauty you just can't find in the hustle and bustle of cities. 

miniature houses

miniature houses

This next house shows that even a small, minimalist house can be open and spacious. 
miniature houses

miniature houses

This house may seem a bit strange, but not a single inch goes to waste, as it makes use of each area of available space. Whether its sitting couches on the windows, or the sleep gallery built so the morning light won't disturb you in the morning. 
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miniature houses

miniature houses

miniature houses

This miniature apartment stands out due to its size, but don't be mistaken, it has all a person needs and more. 
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miniature houses

A pair of miniature twin houses.
miniature houses

Probably the smallest castle in the world. 
miniature houses

Miniature houses are great for snowy climates and are easy to heat. 

miniature houses

This cabin has everything a house needs: A modern design, a sitting corner in the balcony, a gallery floor and a practical kitchen – all this with smart utilization of the space available. 
miniature houses
miniature houses
miniature houses
miniature houses
  Darel S.