6th IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC - 2016)

6th IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC - 2016)
27-28 February 2016, S R K R Engineering College, Bhimavaram, Andhra Pradesh, India
Dear Researchers,


The Last date for submitting the papers is extended to 7th December2015.

Accepted and presented papers will be published in IEEE XploreThe ISBN number of IEEE Xplore for IACC 2016 is 978-1-4673-8285-4.  

 For a detailed list of topics please visit the conference website http://www.iacc2016.com

Looking forward to your participation,
Dr. M.S.V.S. Bhadri Raju,
General Co-Chair, IACC 2016
Professor in CSE
SRKR Engineering College
BHIMAVARM - 534204
Andhra Pradesh, India