All India Management Association (AIMA)

All India Management Association

Training Programme 
17th -18th  December 2015,India Habitat Centre, New Delhi

Negotiating and then drafting a business proposal or any other commercial document is definitely one of the most challenging tasks. This workshop will provide practical tips on how to negotiate with clients/customers/stakeholders (internal and external) and draft business proposals and various other commercials/business documents. It also provide hands-on practical experience with contract drafting, review, and negotiation principles.

Key Objectives:
1.       Learn how to Draft and review business/proposal document more effectively
2.       Negotiate more effectively with internal and external customers/clients
3.       Learn how to avoid common drafting mistakes
4.       Develop excellent communication style
5.       Understand the structure and content of various documents
6.       Adopt reader centric approach to writing business documents
7.       Understand the importance of establishing company style guide for consistency, quality, reduced turnover time
8.       Tips to create a very unique and customized Negotiation Manual for yourorganization

I look forward to receiving nominations from your prestigious organization. The Programme Brochure is attached for your ready reference and necessary action.

For further queries and registration related assistance, please feel free to contact the undersigned.

Yours Sincerely,

Nidhi Sharma
ManagerCentre for Skill Development and Training 
All India Management Association (AIMA)
Management House
14 Institutional Area, Lodi Road
New Delhi - 110003
Ph: 9810536427
Website: www.aima.in
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