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$issuename | December 10
December 10, 2015    Spectroscopy View this newsletter online

Highlights of this issue:
• Don't miss the 2016 Lasers & Photonics Marketplace Seminar!
• Hyperspectral sensor systems provide spatial resolution of 2048 pixels
• High-energy XUV spectrometer measures from 300 to 1 nm wavelengths
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Spectroscopy News and Featured Articles
Flame spectrometers will fly in UAVs over volcanoes to measure volatiles
Flame spectrometers quantify volcano emissions
Ocean Optics' Flame spectrometers will be flown directly below volcanic plumes on UAVs, taking differential optical absorption spectrometry (DOAS) measurements. View more >> 
Don't miss the 2016 Lasers & Photonics Marketplace Seminar!
The Seminar provides a comprehensive market perspective that is unobtainable elsewhere, with market data segmented by applications and laser technology from leading industry resources. View more >> 
Super-resolution microscopy and spectroscopy combine
Fine spectral resolution and single-molecule imaging--fast
A combination of spectroscopy and microscopy is enabling fast imaging of single molecules with unprecedented spectral and spatial resolution. View more >> 
Hyperspectral sensor systems provide spatial resolution of 2048 pixels
Specim's 5 kg low-weight, high-performance AisaKESTREL pushbroom hyperspectral sensor systems are designed for UAVs and other platforms of limited payload size. View more >> 
McPherson's new XUV spectrometer measures 300 down to 1 nm
High-energy XUV spectrometer measures from 300 to 1 nm wavelengths
McPherson announced a grazing-incidence wavelength-dispersive extreme-UV (XUV) optical spectrometer that allows rapid analysis of spectral light at wavelengths from 300 down to 1 nm. View more >> 
Imaging spectrographs feature a high-line-density ruled triple grating
Oriel's MS260i 1/4 m imaging spectrograph is designed for applications in the 200-1350 nm spectral range; options include slit type, number of output ports, and communication interfaces. View more >> 
Additional Resources and Activities
LFW's Photonics News Center >>
Learn about the latest market and technology trends and see the top business news in the optoelectronics and photonics industry. View more >> 
PHOTON FOCUS Blog - Read Now >>
The Laser Focus World PHOTON FOCUS Blog from our editors covers all things light related. See what's on our minds as we discuss the timeliest photonics topics. View more >>
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December, 10, 2015


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