Thomson Reuters Researcher ID indexed journal

Dear Colleague(s)
International Index Journal
Journal for All Subjects
Print ISSN No: 2249 555X
A Double Review Monthly Published Journal in English & Hindi
          Calculated by IIFR www.impactfactorjournals.com

Indian Journal of Applied Research has released its December Issue, it is been well received by the academic fraternity. The issue includes papers on Management, Commerce, Medical Science, Education, Arts, Engineering etc.
However, IJAR is now been listed in the International ISSN Directory, Paris and offers authors a Copy of the Journal and Certificate of Publication. Thus your paper published in IJAR shall be acceptable in all the Institute/Universities in India and abroad.
To view the issue click link below:

If you wish to publish Research Paper/Article, send us at Editor@ijar.in
For further details kindly refer to the attached pdf file.
Kindly forward this e-mail to your Friends / Colleagues / Associates and Fellow Researchers who may be benefited out of this.
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The Editor 
303, Maharana Pratap Complex, Opp. Kapadia Guest House,
B/H V.S.Hospital, Paldi, Ahmedabad - 380006 (Gujarat)
Cell:  +91 8866 00 3636, +91 9904 00 0288
Website  :    www.ijar.in
Email Id  : editor@ijar.in

Thomson Reuters Researcher ID indexed   journal                   

PRINT and Online Journals
Call for paper volume 5 issue 11 November 2015
Kindly reply : irjmss@gmail.com
International Journal in Management and Social Science
(IJMSS) ISSN 2321-1784
Impact Factor: 4.358
International Journal In IT and Engineering
(IJITE) ISSN 2321-1776
Impact Factor: 4.747
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS) ISSN (P) 2349-6525
Impact Factor: 5.981
International Journal of Research in IT & Management
(IJRIM) ISSN (P) 2349-6517
Impact Factor: 4.961
International Journal In Physical & Applied Sciences
(IJPAS) ISSN 2394-5710
Impact Factor: 2.865
International Journal In Commerce, IT and Social Sciences
(IJCISS) ISSN 2394-5702
Impact Factor: 2.443
International Research Journal of Commerce and Law
(IRJCL) ISSN 2349-705X
Impact Factor: 2.915
Aryabhatta Journal of Mathematics & Informatics
(IJMI) ISSN 2394-9309
Impact Factor: 4.1
International Research Journal of Quality and Management Science
International Journal of Research in Medical and Basic Sciences
   [Science Central Evaluation Score: 9.39]
 (An open access scholarly, online, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, monthly, and fully refereed journals.)
  (An ISO 9001: 2008 Certified International Journal)
 Smooth, simple and timely publishing of review and research articles.
Thomsonn Reuters ResearcherID indexed journal

Authors will receive hard copies of Journal,  certificates and digital certificates

IJMR (International Journals Of Multi-Dimensional Research) is devoted to the dissemination of Scientific, Management and Technological information around the world and make all efforts towards achieving this goal. It seeks to strengthen research and advanced education in these and allied fields. IJMR encourages new ideas or new perspectives on existing research.
The International Journal of  Multidimensional  Research accepts the research paper, conceptual, empirical and exploratory papers from Entrepreneurship, Psychology ,Management, Human resource/administration, Public Administration, Sociology, Economics, Education, Business, Commerce, Marketing management, Corporate Governance,  Hospitality, Tourism & Travel Management, Arts, Fine Arts, Engineering, Information technology, Computer Science, Medical, Bio-medical, Pharmaceutical Science, Clinical Research, Home Science, Medical Science,  Human ideology, Organization behaviour, Organization psychology, Law, Corporate, Environmental Science, Library Science, Geography, History, Mathematics ,physics, chemistry, Biology, Journalism, Literature, Philosophy, Political Science,  Statistics, Applied & Social Sciences related areas.
1.     Printed copy within 10 days after publication
2.      Open access facility
3.      Publication at right time
4.      Tracking facility for your print copy
5.      Flexible payment mode to pay your publication charge.
6.      Publication certificate
7.      Response will be given within 12 Hrs
8.      Publication on Demand within 24 Hrs
9.    Publication 25th to 30th of every month.

May I request you to circulate this email among your colleagues, peers & friends for the contribution?
With Regards
Managing Editor,                                                                                     
Mobi: 08529300428,7357423532