1.Mona Lisa: a Real Hidden Code In Her Eyes. Intrigue is usually focused on her enigmatic smile. However, under the microscope, historians in Italy have discovered that by magnifying the eyes of the Mona Lisa painting, tiny numbers and letters can be seen. Experts say the barely distinguishable letters and numbers represent something of a real-life Da Vinci code: in the right eye appears to be the letters LV which could well stand for his name, Leonardo Da Vinci, while in the left eye there are also symbols but they are not as defined. Of course, it's very difficult to make them out clearly but they appear to be the letters CE, or it could be the letter B. In the arch of the bridge in the background the number 72 can be seen or it could be an L and the number 2. Also the number 149 with a fourth number erased appear behind the picture, which suggests Da Vinci painted it when he was in Milan in the 1490s. You have to remember the ­picture is almost 500 years old so it is not as sharp and clear as when first painted. 

2.The Last Supper: A Mathematical Astrological Puzzle, Plus A Secret Musical Score. The Last Supper has also been the target of much speculation, usually centered around supposed hidden messages or hints found within the painting. Slavisa Pesci, an information technologist, created an interesting visual effect by overlaying a semitransparent, mirrored version of the painting on top of the original. The result is two figures that look like Templar knights appear at both ends of the table, while someone possibly holding an infant stands to Jesus' left. Giovanni Maria Pala, an Italian musician, has indicated as well that the positions of hands and loaves of bread can be interpreted as notes on a musical staff, and if read from right to left, as was characteristic of Leonardo's writing, form a musical composition. Sabrina Sforza Galitzia, a Vatican researcher, claimed to have deciphered the "mathematical and astrological" puzzle in Leonardo's The Last Supper. She said that he foresaw the end of the world in a "universal flood" which would begin on March 21, 4006, and end on November 1 the same year. She believed that this would mark "a new start for humanity". 

3.The Creation of Adam: The Floating Brain Divinity. Michelangelo's "The Creation of Adam" has endured not only as the most famous of the Sistine Chapel panels, but also one of the single most iconic images of humanity. Michelangelo is recognized as one of the greatest painters and sculptors from the Italian Renaissance. What is not so widely known is that he was an avid student of anatomy who at the age of 17 began dissecting corpses from the church graveyard. Now a pair of American experts in neuroanatomy believe Michelangelo did leave some anatomical illustrations behind in one of his most famous works - the Sistine Chapel. While some might dismiss this as a coincidence, experts suggest that it would be harder to explain that this was not Michelangelo's intention. Even complex components within the brain, such as the cerebellum, optic chiasm and pituitary gland can all be found in the picture. As for that sassy green sash running down the pons/spinal column/dude-holding-God-up, it follows the path of the vertebral artery perfectly. 

4.Sistine Chapel: Another Human Brain Seen From Below. Similar to the masterpiece "The Creation of Adam", experts assure into to the Sistine Chapel panels another figure of God has a hidden code. They noticed that God's throat and chest had anatomical irregularities, which were not present in any other figure in the fresco. And while the figures are illuminated diagonally from the lower left, God's neck is illuminated straight-on. They concluded that what looks like clumsiness must have been deliberate work by the genius. By superimposing God's odd-looking neck on the photograph of a human brain seen from below they showed the two matched precisely. They added that a strange roll of fabric that extends up the centre of God's robe could represent the human spinal cord. The lumpy neck in the God figure (A) of the panel matches a photograph of the human brain when seen from below (B) while (C) shows the various parts of the brain apparently hidden in the painting. Nevertheless Michelangelo also depicted other anatomical features elsewhere in the ceiling, according to other scholars; notably the kidney, which was familiar to Michelangelo and was of special interest to him as he suffered from kidney stones. 

5.The Madonna with Saint Giovannino: Sightings Of UFOs. In addition to to get our attention with the rock hard Baby Jesus abs, Domenico Ghirlandaio's Madonna with Saint Giovannino also features an interesting little blob hovering in the sky over Mary's left shoulder. Above Mary's left shoulder we observe a disk shaped object that appears to be shining. It is an object which the artist depicted in huge detail making sure it would stand out in his work of art. To the right of the painting we can see a man that is holding his right arm above his eyes with which the artist made sure to send a significance that this object was extremely bright. To the left of the image in the upper corner we can see an object that looks like the sun. Domenico Ghirlandaio's Madonna with Saint Giovannino is just one of numerous medieval paintings with bizarre, kind a disturbing-looking unidentified flying objects soaring around in them. 

6.Prophet Zechariah: Flipping Off The Religious Authority. The tension between Julius II and Michelangelo is well documented. The authors note that Michelangelo portrayed the pope in effigy of the prophet Zechariah, and that one of the Angels located behind him makes a extremely obscene gesture. 7.David and Goliath: Mystical Kabbalah Signs. Scanning through the arrangement of figures on the vast 14,000 square foot ceiling of Sistine Chapel, the authors have found shapes that correspond to Hebrew letters. For example, the figures of David and Goliath form the shape of the letter gimel, which symbolises "strength" in the mystical Kabbalah tradition. The authors believe Michelangelo picked up his knowledge of Judaism while at the court of Lorenzo de Medici in Florence, and the entire Sistine Chapel, which they say is built to the same proportions as the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, is a "lost mystical message of universal love" which was intended to be decoded. 

8.Netherlandish Proverbs: 112 Netherlandish Idioms In The Scene. Netherlandish Proverbs is a 1559 oil-on-oak-panel painting by Pieter Bruegel the Elder that depicts a land populated with literal renditions of Dutch proverbs of the day. There are approximately 112 identifiable idioms in the scene. Some are still in use today, amongst them: "swimming against the tide", "big fish eat little fish", "banging one's head against a brick wall", and "armed to the teeth". Other proverbs indicate human stupidity. Some of the figures seem to represent more than one figure of speech, such as the man shearing a sheep in the centre bottom left of the picture. He is sitting next to a man shearing a pig, so represents the expression "one shears sheep and one shears pigs" meaning that one has the advantage over the other, but he may also represent the advice "shear them but don't skin them" meaning make the most of your assets. 

9.The Supper at Emmaus: A Code Of Silence Recognition For Christians. The Supper at Emmaus is a painting by the Italian Baroque master Caravaggio. The painting depicts the moment when the resurrected but incognito Jesus, reveals himself to two of his disciples in the town of Emmaus, only to soon vanish from their sight. The painting is unusual for the life-sized figures, the dark and blank background. The table lays out a basket of food which teeters perilously over the edge. Is also astounding a shadow which seen like the figure of a fish. A fish that may indicate a code of silence recognition for Christians. 

10.Young Mozart's Portrait: Mason Signs. On the other hand, works of art are not spared the subject of Freemasonry. Portraits of people that hide a hand may indicate his dedication to the cause or a level of hierarchy. Portraits as the anonymous (possibly from Antonio Lorenzoni) of Mozart can be related