Science Quiz on the occasion of one day Science Festival

Dear Sir, 
Zeal Education and Ahmedabad Management Association have jointly announced one day Science Festival to be held on 22 December 2013 at AMA premises.
in connection with this, a written and oral Science Quiz will be conducted on 15 December 2013.
A letter giving the details of above festival is attached. We would be grateful if you kindly nominate three students of 9th standard from your school for participating in this event.
The last date for receiving entries for above event is Thursday5 December 2013.
Expect to have your favourable response soon.

Thanking you
K. K. Nair

Executive Director-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ahmedabad Management Association
Dr Vikram Sarabhai Marg, ATIRA Campus
Ahmedabad 380015
Phone: 079 26308601
Fax:  079 26305692
Website: www.amaindia.org