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 Dues: Rs 2000/- Lifetime
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Thanks and Regards 
For any clarification write us on editorojer@gmail.com

Dear Authors,

This call for papers is for Volume 2, Issue 5. Recently we have published
our third issue successfully available online at

Octa Journal of Environmental Research (OJER) is a peer reviewed quarterly
free publication online journal. We cordially invite research articles,
review articles and short communications from research scholars of
Universities, Research institutes and Industries. OJER maintains a rapid
turnaround from submission to publication. We employ an innovative review
system, where the referees, authors and editors remain anonymous throughout
the peer-review process. The submissions will be considered for a single
issue, in case of delay due to modifications, it should be resubmitted as
fresh submission for next consequent issue. Manuscript can be submitted as
an e-mail attachment to submitojer@gmail.com. Please refer to the Author
website for more detail.

Manuscript Charges (Rs. 0/-):

There is neither a charge for the processing of papers nor publication
charges for any type of manuscript/ paper to publish the manuscript in OJER.

 Thank you for your time and cooperation.