Travel Motivation Questionnaire

We request for your cooperation and participation in taking this survey which forms a part of doctoral research of Prof. T. K. Chatterjee. The questionnaire is brief and will take about 10 – 12 minutes to fill. Please be assured that all information you provide will be kept strictly confidential. Your name or other details will not appear on any study report. The data will be reported as statistical summaries only. However, respondents who want the feedback or results for the questionnaire may feel free to contact at tkchatterjee@imtnag.ac.in. Your responses are very important to us and we request you to fill the information honestly.

    Travel Motivation Items:

    Travel motivation is a critical factor and a driving force behind tourist behavior. We all travel for different reasons. Some of the travel motivation items are mentioned below. Please mark the below mentioned travel motivations on the scale ( 5 being Strongly agree to 1 being strongly disagree) with your agreement or disagreement based on the importance you give to each of the following items. Your response to each question is valuable to us. Please spare 10 minutes to record your responses.

    1. Having Fun and being entertained

    2. Experiencing something different

    3. Feeling the special atmosphere of the vacation destination

    4. Visiting places related to my personal interests

    5. Resting and relaxing

    6. Getting away from everyday psychological stress/pressure

    7. Being away from daily routine

    8. Getting away from the usual demands of life

    9. Not worrying about time

    10. Getting away from everyday physical stress/pressure

    11. Being with others who enjoy the same things as I do

    12. Strengthening relationships with my companions

    13. Strengthening relationships with my family/friends

    14. Contacting with family/friends who live elsewhere

    15. Being independent

    16. Being obligated to no one

    17. Doing things my own way

    18. Learning new things

    19. Experiencing different cultures

    20. Meeting new and varied people

    21. Developing my knowledge of the area

    22. Meeting the locals

    23. Observing other people in the area

    24. Following current events

    25. Exploring the unknown

    26. Feeling excitement

    27. Having unpredictable experiences

    28. Being spontaneous

    29. Having daring/adventuresome experience

    30. Experiencing thrills

    31. Experiencing the risk involved

    32. Developing my personal interests

    33. Knowing what I am capable of

    34. Gaining a sense of accomplishment

    35. Gaining a sense of self-confidence

    36. Developing my skills and abilities

    37. Using my skills and talents

    38. Feeling personally safe and secure

    39. Being with respectful people

    40. Meeting people with similar values/interests

    41. Being with others if I need them

    42. Gaining a new perspective on life

    43. Feeling inner harmony/peace

    44. Understanding more about myself

    45. Being creative

    46. Working on my personal/spiritual values

    47. Experiencing the peace and calm

    48. Avoiding interpersonal stress and pressure

    49. Experiencing the open space

    50. Enjoying isolation

    51. Having romantic relationships

    52. Being with people of the opposite sex

    53. Sharing skill and knowledge with others

    54. Showing others I can do it

    55. Being recognized by other people

    56. Leading others

    57. Having others know that I have been there

    58. Enjoying local festivals

    59. Learning culture different from my own

    60. Opportunity to increase knowledge

    61. Appreciating Local crafts/handiwork

    62. Being with unique/different cultural groups

    63. Interesting small towns/villages

    64. Enjoying live theater/concerts

    65. Enjoying local cuisine

    66. Enjoying outstanding scenery

    67.Enjoying water sports

    68. Enjoying nightlife and entertainment

    69. Being on good beaches for swimming/sunning

    70. Watching sporting events

    71. Playing sports

    72. Being at amusement/theme parks

    73. Enjoy exotic atmosphere

    74. Eating at fast food restaurants

    75. Being in big modern cities

    76. Standard of hygiene/cleanliness

    77. Personal safety, even when traveling alone

    78. Warm welcome for tourists

    79. Destination having reliable weather

    80. Staying at first class hotels

    81. Enjoying warm and sunny climate

    82. Enjoying variety of short guided excursions/tour

    83. Doing good shopping

    84. Eating at high quality restaurants

    85. Cruise of one or more nights

    86. Enjoying wilderness and undisturbed nature

    87. Being at national parks/forests

    88. Being at wide open spaces to get away from crowds

    89. Enjoying outdoor activities

    90. Being at mountainous areas

    91. Getting a chance to see wildlife/birds

    92. Being near lakes and rivers

    93. Enjoying environmental quality of air/water/soil

    94. Enjoying campgrounds and trailer parks

    95. Having inexpensive travel in destination country

    96. Having budget accommodation

    97. Eating at inexpensive restaurant

    98. Having good public transportation

    99. Experiencing new and different lifestyles

    100. Seeing & experiencing a foreign destination

    101. Learning new things, increasing knowledge

    102. Trying new foods

    103. Traveling to places historically important

    104. Visiting friends & relatives

    105. Visiting places family came from

    106. Being together as a family

    107. Reliving past good times

    108. Experiencing simpler lifestyle

    109. Rediscovering myself

    110. Being free to act the way I feel

    111. Talking about trip after return home

    112. Traveling to safe/secure places

    113. Seeing as much as possible

    114. Going places friends haven’t been

    115. Being physically active

    116. Indulging in luxury

    117. Doing nothing at all

    Demographic and other Details:

    What is your gender?

    What is your age?

    What is the highest level of education you acquired?

    What is your present occupation?

    What is your monthly income (In Rupees)?

    Who accompanied you on your last trip? (You may choose multiple options)

    Number of people accompanied you on your last trip?

    9. What was your total length of stay in days?

    10. How did you gather information about the trip?