Our Journal Indexed With

Call for Research Articles
Primax Commerce and Management Research Academy Bangalore. Karnataka.

(Karnataka Reg. No.48/159/CE/0103/2013)
Visit :   www.primaxijcmr.com

Dear all
Very Good Morning ….
We are pleased to inform you that PRIMAX-IJCMR is going to launch its next issue ( Volume 2, Issue 3, December 2014). We would like to invite you to contribute your Research Articles, case studies, for publications in PRIMAX-IJCMR, Bangalore. The Journal covers all areas of Commerce and Management which include HR, Marketing, International Business, & Finance and many more related to Commerce and Management. We publish original  research articles, case studies and reviews, all  article  published in this journal are blind reviewed as per the standard procedures of referred journals.

Primax Commerce and Management Research Academy” is India’s leading research publication house with the following internationally listed Journals:
Primax International Journal of Commerce and Management Research:ISSN: 2321-3604
Primax International Journal of Finance: ISSN- 2348-0475
Primax International Journal of Marketing: ISSN- 2348-0491
Primax International Journal of Human Resources : ISSN – 2348-0483
The above mentioned journals are already subscribed by leading management schools and consulting organisations across the world.

Important Dates:
Submission Deadline
25th December -2014
Author Notification
Within 10 days after submission
Online Publishing
30th December -2014
Sending Hard copy of Journal through speed post or courier
 10th January 2015

Submit your manuscript through online www.primaxijcmr.com
Authors are requested to prepare their manuscript in PRIMAX-IJCMRprescribed format, by using online submission or mail tokvr08@rediffmail.com  or primaxecf@gmail.com
Our Journal Indexed With
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Note: If you are not interested for publishing article please ignore this mail
With regards
Prof. T. Rajeswari.,M.Sc.,M.B.A.,M.A.,(Eng).,M.A.,(Soc).,M.Phil
Primax Educational and Career Foundation 
Ph: 8971725451