International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research & Development(IJASRD)

p - ISSN: 2394 – 8906                            e - ISSN: 2395 - 6089

Call for Paper 

(Volume: 02 Issue: 03, Jul – Sep 2015)
Dear Author/Researcher!
    Weare inviting papers from academicians, corporate executives, researchers andother interest groups in the form of research papers. Please find the detailsas follows. I request you to contribute articlesand encourage your colleagues and Ph.D. scholars to do so.

Journal are available both in Online & Print Formats bearing withISSN number both online & print.
       InternationalJournal of Advanced Scientific Research & Development (IJASRD) is anEnglish language international journal intended for professionals and researchers
      IJASRD publishesmultidisciplinary articles and reviews within the;
  • Whole field of Engineering,
  • Management,
  • Science & humanities,
  • Medical Science,
  • Agriculture / Fisheries,
  • Law,
  • Education,
  • Physical Science,
  • Psychology, 
  • Sociology,
  • Philosophy, 
  • Arts & Applied Scienceand
  • New Teaching Methods, Assessment,Validation and the Impact of New Technologies and it will continue to provideinformation on the latest trends and development in this ever-expandingsubjects. 
       IJASRD aims at undertaking, aiding, co-coordinating,and promoting Research and development. The publications of papers are selectedthrough double peer reviewed to ensure originality, relevance, and readability.The articles published in our journal can be accessed online.
   Publication certificate will be issued toeach author after the publication of the manuscript in the journal.

Important Dates are as Follows:
Last Date for paper Submission
25th September 2015
Within 24 hours
Review Report
Within a two days
Publication Date
30th September 2015
Hard copy* will be dispatchwithin 7 days after online publication.
(*Additional Charge will be collectedfor Journal Hard Copy).
            Manuscript Publication Charge: Rs.1100 / USD 70 for First Author & Rs.500 / USD 25 per Co-Author(s). More details visit @http://www.ijasrd.org/in/manuscript-publication-charge/
               Kindly visit our journal website for further information and submit your original manuscripts through online submission or submit as an attachment ateditor@ijasrd.org.

With Warm Regards,
