International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology

International Research Journal of 
Engineering and Technology
Call for Papers (Volume 2: Issue 6)
ISSN 2395-0056  Impact Factor : 2.518 
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology(IRJET) is an international peer reviewed, open access, online journal in English for the enhancement of research in various discipline of Engineering, Science and  Technology. IRJET brings together Scientists, Academician, Engineers, Scholars and Students of Engineering Science and Technology.Published by Fast Track Publications
Call for Paper - Volume 2 Issue 6 , September  2015
  Submission Last date September 30 - 2015 
  Initial Online Submission     Click Here to Submit
  Submit via email editor@irjet.net
                             Publication Charges
Indian Authors Rs.1000
Foriegn Authors50 USD
                  More details Visit   www.irjet.net

Why Select IRJET?
  • An ISO 9001:2008 Certified International Journal.(Verify here)
  • IRJET approved by "National Science Library (NSL), National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi, India .
  • Easy & Rapid paper publishing process.
  • Low publication fee to promote the research work
  • IRJET is indexed in Google Scholar, Docstoc, ResearchGate, Scribd and many more.
  • Open Access Journal (No Subscription required to download Papers)
  • IRJET provides individual Soft Copy of Certificate of Publication to each Authors 
  • Fast, Easy and Transparent paper publication process (One Click Online Submission)
  • Authors can pay publication charges online using Net Banking/ Credit Card/ Debit Cards/ Cash Card/ Mobile Payment/ Paypal instantly in any day any time.New
  • Fast Reliable website & Dedicated server/Daily updation/copyright protected
  • IRJET URL address on the address bar of your internet browser begins with "https"; the letter 's' at the end of "https" means 'secured'.New
  • IRJET site is secured with an SSL Certificate that meets the Extended Validation Standard.New
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