
Call for Papers
Academicians' Research Center (ARC) operates a group of scholarly journals covering the Agricultural SciencesLife SciencesChemical SciencesEngineering and TechnologyArts and HumanitiesBusiness and ManagementMathematics and Medical Sciences.
We wish to inform you that we have been maintaining quality and excellence in journals publication supplying all the authors with hard copy of the journals with minimum publication charges.
We therefore request you to send us your papers of your research, review, learning etc.
We request you to transmit the information about ARC and the international journals mentioned here under in which all papers/articles with an orientation of research and academics could be published after thorough review and scrutiny by expert reviewers.
List of Life Science Journals
(Click on the concerned journal name to get the complete details of the journal)
1.  International Journal of Research Studies in Zoology (IJRSZ)                                                                 
2.  International Journal of Research in Environmental Science (IJRES)                                                    
3.  International Journal of Advanced Research in Botany (IJARB)                                                              
Important Dates
Paper Submission                30 September, 2015
Author Notification             On or before 10 October, 2015
Issue Publication                  20 October, 2015

Thanking you, 

With Best Regards, 

Academicians' Research Center
Web Site: https://www.arcjournals.org