Call For Paper : International Journal of Business Analytic s and Intelligence
To support and endorse excellence research work, We do not charge authors. Paper are selected on the basis of review process.
Last Date of Submission is 05th November 2013.
Respected Sir/Madam,
Warm Greetings!!
We at Publishing India Group, feel pleasure to invite original research papers, experimental research, technical reports, case studies forInternational Journal of Business Analytics and Intelligence, which is a fully peer-reviewed journal, covering all matter of Business Analytics and Intelligence being practiced globally. Journal aims to help professionals working in the field, academicians and policy-makers to contribute, to disseminate research, and to learn from each other's work. The journal is effectively positioned as a multi-disciplinary journal, focusing on a particular set of study objects rather than a specific discipline. Articles submitted should have a significant impact on Business Analytics and Intelligence theory and practice. The Journal ensures that high quality research is collected and distributed widely to both academics and practitioners, and provides a forum for debate. It covers all subjects relating to the Business Analytics and Intelligence.
Scope of Journal: Journal includes key research areas (Not limited to) such as big data processing and analytics, business intelligence, visual analytics, descriptive analytics, predictive analytics, business analytics and optimization, actuarial modeling, social network analytics, data mining tools, web analytics, text analytics, marketing research, modeling, workforce analytics, business intelligence, data management, decision management, BI architecture, retail analytics, graph entropy, decision trees, analytics applications & other related subject areas.
Fairness & Review Process: All of the papers that are submitted to the Journal will go through peer review process which usually takes 1-3 months time period. Papers are selected purely on the basis of quality and journal is strictly against charging authors for publishing manuscript. If a manuscript is unique, on occasion specific outside reviewers will be added to the Board for purposes of review. We also plan to include one invited paper in some issues of the Journal. These papers will be identified as "invited papers" and will only be subject to review by editor of the journal.
Indexation: Journal is indexed in Proquest Database, Cabells, Ulrich Directory & i-scholar Database.
Online Article Submission Website (Guidelines also available At Same Url): http://manuscript.
Call for paper also available on other journals related to Supply Chain Management, Leadership, Entrepreneurship & Other subject areas. Please refer to above Url for complete details.
Please let us know in case of any query/clarification.
Best Regards
Poonam Juyal
Editorial Coordinator
Publishing India Group
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New Delhi-110034
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Encouraging Quality Research