Impact factor 0.842, Journal of Advances in Physics (JAP) is a premier resource for in-depth research and analysis to keep pace with the current developments and an authentic forum for high quality scholarly articles to effectively communicate these developments to practitioners actively engaged in research and those wishing to be informed about progress in the field. The aim of the journal is to publish a wide variety of disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives encompassing a broad theoretical and methodological scope. The focus is on quality which is achieved through continuous improvement and assurance of high standards. The journal seeks to embrace the entire areas of Physics. The journal solicits original and unpublished research papers for the Upcoming Edition.
Important Dates
·Submission deadline: OPEN
·Notification: By 1-4 weeks of submission
·Publication date: Journal items can be published collectively, as part of an issue with its own Table of Contents. Alternatively, individual items can be published as soon as they are ready, by adding them to the "current" volume's Table of Contents. this journal will use and its expected frequency of publication.
Submission Method
Method 1 (Recommended): Register at JAP by clicking here -> Register, clicking New Submission link in your "User Home"
Method 2(Alternate): You can directly mail your paper with all your details (Name, address, contact no, email id, qualification) at,
Paper Template
Publication of any articles/ manuscript in JAP requires strict conformance to the paper template. However, initial submission of an article or manuscript for review need not be compliant with the template.
Once the paper is selected, the authors will be asked to submit the camera-ready paper. The camera-ready paper is the final version of the article/ manuscript that will be published in the Journal of Advances in Physics. While submitting the camera-ready copy, the authors must take extreme care so that the paper strictly conform with the prescribed template of JAP. The camera-ready paper template can be downloaded from this link.
VOL 2, NO 2: JAP
Ground Magnetic Survey for the Investigation of Mineral Deposit at Itesi Village in Orile Ilugun, Odeda , South West Nigeria | |
Sedara S. O, Joshua E. O, Popoola O.I | 110-117 |
Evaluation of the Existing State of Geothermal Exploration and Development in Nigeria | |
Sedara Samuel Omosule, Joshua E.O | 118-123 |
A New Modification of the HPM for the Duffing Equation with High Nonlinearity | |
Ahmed Khdir | 124-133 |
Teaching Optics: Light sources and Shadows | |
Charilaos Voutsinos | 134-138 |
Can fluctuating quantum states acquire the classical behavior on large scale? | |
Piero Chiarelli | 139-162 |
Best Regards,
Journal of Advances in Physics
Council for Innovative Research