Mr A Kotishwar

The Director / HOD / Professors / Associate Professors /Assistant Professors School of Management Studies / Department of Management Studies / Research Scholars

Dear Sir/Madam,

Sub:   Call for Research Papers for publication in SUMEDHA Journal of Management 
Greetings from Department of MBA, CMR College of Engineering & Technology CMRCET takes immense pleasure in inviting original unpublished Research Papers for the maiden issue of its Quarterly journal 
“SUMEDHA Journal of Management” from Academicians, Research Scholars Industry Analysts as well as Policy makers and consultants. The journal proposes to cover quality research papers pertaining to issues of current interest in all functional areas of management. Each of the papers published in the journal will be selected through a rigorous reviewing and screening process.

The Journal with ISSN 2277 – 6753  (Printed Journal )
Indexed in Proquest Database, indinanjournals.com  Important Dates for
October– December,  2013 Issue – Vol 2, Issue 3
Deadline to submit full paper:15th October 2013

Look forward to research articles.

Yours Sincerely,

For further details for Guidelines see the following website : http://www.cmrcetmba.in/sumedha.php

Mr A Kotishwar