Newsletter NYIBF Summer Programs - March 2015

New York Summer Programs 2015

Newsletter n°32 - March, 2015

NYIBF Summer Programs are three weeks of high level classes for undergraduate and graduate students held in New York. Mornings are dedicated to classes in finance, business law, international business, etc. Visits of institutions such as the New York Federal Reserve Bank are organized on the afternoons. Meetings and conferences with professionals give students the opportunity to discover Wall Street professional world and to build their network. Fridays and evenings are free, to let students enjoy New York and the US. 
VIDEO - Student Housing in New York

Also available on YouKu #China

The meaning of "currency" in the economy: Definition and basic principles

“A weak currency is the sign of a weak economy, and a weak economy leads to a weak nation” (Ross Pero). This symbol of national unity recognized by the communities of the world as a valid unit of account, in economic terms? How should one define currency? Here, we discuss its definition, importance, as well as touch upon various theories surrounding it.

What neighborhood will you call home? Let's talk about Chelsea

If you’re not from New York, choosing the right neighborhood for your stay may be tricky.
Don’t worry, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about the different neighborhoods of New York. Today, let’s take a look at Chelsea.
Chelsea is famous both from its art galleries, which make it one of the cultural centers of NYC, and for its trendiness, with worldwide known restaurants and nightclubs. Architectural treasures shape the perfect place to welcome all this arty trendy upscale life. Ideal for artists, art lovers, socializers and night owls.

Summer Programs as part of Student's Curriculum

The dreaded summertime homework assignments have given way to a more enlightened form of instruction: Summer Programs.
Summer Programs, more commonly known as Summer Semesters Abroad, are not only educational in nature but also provide a great deal of cultural discovery in the form a 2 or 3 week session spent in a previously unknown foreign country or city.

VIDEO - Quantitative Easing is Gone
Also available on YouKu #China

New York Street Art, a Not-so-Hidden Gem

“In the wake of the global growth of interest in art in the streets, one form of tourism that may soon be blowing up could be graffiti excursions, street art sightseeing, [and] mural journeying,” Brooklyn Street Art’s Jaime Rojo and Steven Harrington recently declared.
Historically, New York is the iconic city of street art. As it’s birthplace, the first graffiti artists stormed the walls of the city to express their artistry in the 70s.
During your visit to New York, you will have the opportunity to witness this unique culture footprint yourself.

Anti-money laundering measures and the fight against terrorism

Anti-money laundering measures, originally created to fight against international drug trafficking and against terrorism, today see their legitimacy affirmed by the fight against what might be called the massive terrorism or terrorist war.

Top 5 Best NYC Museums

Why waiting a rainy day for visiting a New York museum? In this city, there is a museum for every aesthetic and intellectual curiosity, with specialties ranging from modern art to outer space or from design to photography…

VIDEO - Summer Programs and International Networking
Also available on YouKu #China

NYIBF Summer Programs 2015 brochures
- in English
- in French
- in Chinese
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Summer Programs NYIBF in New York
From July 6 to July 23, 2015
From August 3 to August 20, 2015

Registration fees: $2,375 + administratives fees: $75 = $2,450


The New York Institute for Business and Finance
125 Maiden Lane, New York, NY 10038 (USA)

Information or inscription:
Email: summer.2015.nyibf@gmail.com 
Email: info@newyork-ibf.com

By phone: 
Malo de Braquilanges : +1 646 239 0485
Marie Olivero : +1 646 266 4157
Office : +1 646 775 2812


General Enquiry and Information:
