Dear Sir and Madam,
9780199573158--OXF ENG DICT 20 VOL PRINT & CDROM 4E PCK-817.30 GBP
9780198611868--OXF ENG DIC OED 2E 20 VOLS -750.00 GBP
9780198612582--COMPACT OXF ENG DICT 2E -400.00 GBP
Oxford English Dictionary: 20 vol. print set & CD ROM
J. Simpson and E. Weiner
21,728 pages | 335x230mm
978-0-19-957315-8 and 978-0198611868
- Accepted authority on the evolution of English over the last millennium
- Magnificent 20-volume printed edition
- Elegantly designed for maximum legibility and printed to the highest standards on the finest quality paper
- The full content of the 20 volume Oxford English Dictionary (Second Edition), on the CD-ROM plus the three Additions volumes and 7,000 new words and meanings
- New software for a smoother and faster performance
- New user-interface design with the ability to customise entry display
- Quick letter-by-letter searching ensures you find what you need quickly
- Installs and runs from hard drive
- Standard version is PC (including Windows Vista) and now Mac compatible
The 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary is the accepted authority on the evolution of the English language over the last millennium. It traces the usage of words through 2.4 million quotations from a wide range of international English language sources.
The OED has a unique historical focus. Accompanying each definition is a chronologically arranged group of quotations that trace the usage of words, and show the contexts in which they can be used.
Other features distinguishing the entries in the Dictionary are authoritative definitions; detailed information on pronunciation using the International Phonetic Alphabet; listings of variant spellings used throughout each word's history; extensive treatment of etymology; and details of area of usage and of any regional characteristics.
This special offer combines the magnificent 20-volume second edition (published in 1989) with the portability and powerful search capabilities of the OED on CD-ROM v4.0, which is now Mac compatible.
The OED has a unique historical focus. Accompanying each definition is a chronologically arranged group of quotations that trace the usage of words, and show the contexts in which they can be used.
Other features distinguishing the entries in the Dictionary are authoritative definitions; detailed information on pronunciation using the International Phonetic Alphabet; listings of variant spellings used throughout each word's history; extensive treatment of etymology; and details of area of usage and of any regional characteristics.
This special offer combines the magnificent 20-volume second edition (published in 1989) with the portability and powerful search capabilities of the OED on CD-ROM v4.0, which is now Mac compatible.
The Compact Oxford English Dictionary
Second Edition
Edited by J. A. Simpson and E. S. C. Weiner
2,402 pages | 240x150mm
978-0-19-861258-2 17
- The Oxford English Dictionary is an unrivalled guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over half a million words
- The Dictionary traces the evolution of over 600,000 words from across the English-speaking world through 2.4 million quotations
- Historical in focus, each of the OED's entries contain the word's earliest known use, as well as later examples which help plot the word's subsequent development in English
- Its quotations are taken from a broad range of English language sources - from classic literature and specialist periodicals to film scripts and cookery books
- Elegantly designed for maximum legibility and printed to the highest standards on the finest quality paper
The Compact Edition of the OED reproduces micrographically, in a single volume, the complete text of the highly acclaimed Second Edition of The Oxford English Dictionary. In this edition, nine pages of the original fit onto just one. This volume comes in a slipcase with a magnifying glass and a new user's guide which explains the conventions of the OED.
Please send us your orders,
Naresh Sharma