Research Scholar- An International Refereed e-Journal of Literary Explorations

Research Scholar
Research Scholar: An International Refereed e-Journal of Literary Explorations (ISSN: 2320-6101 )

  Impact Factor 0.998 (IIFS)
Indexed & Open Access

Call for Papers

Dear All,
I am glad to inform you that Research Scholar An International e-Journal invites research scholars, faculty members and independently working experts in related field from all over the world to submit unpublished research papers, essays, book reviews, interviews, poems, short stories and translated works of  English Language and Literature for publication.

Last date of Submission: - 15 April 2015 (May Issue)
This Issue will be online 1st June 2015

For more details please visit: -  http://www.researchscholar.co.in/ 

With Regards

Dr. Jitendra Arolia
Research Scholar- An International Refereed e-Journal
of Literary Explorations 

For more details please visit
(ISSN - 2320-6101) ( Online Journal)