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Thank you for reading Asia Image.

The cost of delivering our print version of Asia Image has been rising incessantly over the last 2 years. Following the next issue, Asia Image will be taking on a new direction to invest more profoundly in our digital properties. With the digital version, you will continue to receive the same quality, unbiased, relevant news, opinions, analysis and developments on the broadcast industry you have come to expect from us these past 20 years, all in a package that is completely portable.

The digital edition offers a paper-like reading experience EXACTLY the same as our print edition BUT with additional powerful interactive features possible only in digital format.
We already have your e-mail address and will continue to send the digital edition to your e-mail inbox. However, we recommend that you update us your details via subscribe.contineomedia.com/ai to ensure that your records are updated. Should you wish to continue receiving a print copy in addition to the digital version, please contact our Circulation Team for mailing rates.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding during the transition of your subscription.

Yours sincerely,
Asia Image Team
Benefits of the digital format:
Faster Delivery Searchable
Automatic delivery of every issue directly to your inbox as soon as it’s available, often before you would receive it through the regular mail. Takes you directly to the sections of most interest to you; and keyword search option helps you find a topic or name instantly.
Accessibility Paperless archiving
Read your magazines anytime, anywhere – even when you’re offline.
 You can easily access to our back issues offers fast reference and easy storage.
Annual Print Subscription Rates for Asia Image **
Qualified Reader Non-Qualified Reader
Singapore and Malaysia
S$ 20  for one year print magazine delivery *
Singapore and Malaysia
S$ 60   for one year print magazine delivery *
Rest of Asia
S$ 40  for one year print magazine delivery
Rest of Asia
S$ 100   for one year print magazine delivery
Out of Asia
S$ 140  for one year print magazine delivery
Out of Asia
S$ 140  for one year print magazine delivery
* Prices stated are subjected to GST for Singapore Readers.
** Asia Image is a quarterly magazine published by Contineo Media Pte Ltd.
    Asia Image Annual Guide is a standalone copy which is not bundled with the magazine annual subscription
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