A small evil is a great good. Greek. | 1 |
An evil lesson is soon learned. | 2 |
An evil life is a kind of death. Ovid. | 3 |
Better suffer a great evil than do a little one. | 4 |
Better to suffer a known evil than to change for uncertain good. Spanish. | 5 |
Depart from evil and do good. Bible. | 6 |
Do not stir up an evil that has been fairly buried. Latin. | 7 |
Evil to him who evil thinks. (Honi soi qui mal-y-pense.) Motto of Great Britain. | 8 |
Evil comes not amiss if it comes alone. Don Quixote. | 9 |
Evil comes to us by ells and goes away by inches. | 10 |
Evil communications corrupt good manners. | 11 |
Evil conduct is the root of misery. Chinese. | 12 |
Evil doing costs more than well doing. German. | 13 |
Evil fall on him who goes to seek it. Don Quixote. | 14 |
Evil gains are as bad as a loss. Hesiod. | 15 |
Evil got, evil spent. | 16 |
Evil habits soil a fine dress more than mud. Plautus. | 17 |
Evil is fittest to consort with evil. Livy. | 18 |
Evil is soon believed. | 19 |
Evil is soon done but slowly mended. Danish. | 20 |
Evil must be drawn out by evil. Danish. | 21 |
Evil they sow and sorrow will they reap for their harvest. Southey. | 22 |
Evil wastes itself. Danish. | 23 |
Evils that are past should not be mourned. | 24 |
He sucked evil from the dug. | 25 |
How much pain the evils have cost us that have never happened. | 26 |
Let us permit men to speak evil of us; is it not sufficient they cannot do it? Augustus. | 27 |
Never do evil that good may come of it. Italian. | 28 |
No evil is great if it is the last. Nepos. | 29 |
No face all ugly e’er was seen on earth, No heart all evil e’er from Eve had birth. | 30 |
Of two evils choose the least. | 31 |
Some evils are cured by contempt. | 32 |
That evil which is old at night is yet the offspring of every morning. Hebrew. | 33 |
That which is evil is soon learnt. | 34 |
The evil comes upon us all at once like sticks upon a dog. Don Quixote. | 35 |
The evil is lessened when it is seen beforehand. Latin. | 36 |
The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones. Shakespeare. | 37 |
The evil which issues from thy mouth falls into thy bosom. Spanish. | 38 |
The evil wound is cured but not the evil name. | 39 |
The last evil smarts the most. | 40 |
There are evils which compared to others are benefits. | 41 |
Three great evils come out of the north, a cold wind, a cunning knave and a shrinking cloth. | 42 |
To a mortal man no evil is immortal. | 43 |
To every evil doer his evil day. Spanish. | 44 |
We will not believe the existence of evil until it is upon us. La Fontaine. | 45 |
Who does not punish evil invites it. German. | 46 |
Who doth no evil is apt to suspect none. | 47 |
Dr. Vijay Pithadia, FIETE, PhD, MBA Director, PhD Guided: 5, Author of 6 Books, Google Scholar Citations - 635, h-index - 8, i10-index-8, M: +91 9898422655 UGC/Scopus/Web of Science Publication: 31, Referred Publication: 67, Book Chapters: 12, Full Papers Published in Conference Proceedings: 21, Patent Published: 3, Invited Lectures and Chairmanship etc.: 44, Conference Organized: 4, AICTE faculty ID: 1-24647366683