22/12/2012 14:03:15  HK

There are 109 Indian prisoners languishing in Italian jails but Italian Govt. maintains privacy about prisoners and does not inform despite having been requested by Indian Govt., according to a report submitted by Shasi Tharoor when he was External affairs Minister earlier prior to his resignation following IPL Scam. (http://www.idsa.in/system/files/IndianslanguishinginForeignJails.pdf)
The Killer Marines were allowed to fly back to Italy to celebrate Christmas by the very same Indian Government who cannot even find out the details of Indian prisoners languishing in Italian jails. Shame on our Diplomats and Politicians who justify this act in the name ‘Safegauding Diplomatic Relations’ .  If Italy is not ready to share even the details of Indians in their Jails, what sort of ‘Diplomatic Relations’ are these nincompoops then talking about?  

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