Call for papers for an Edited Volume Book
[ISBN: 978-93-83241-43-9]

The Editorial Objective of our book is to advance the science and Practice of Business and Business Management that will serve as a bridge between the scholarly researchers and the practical applications—each having a vital stake in what's happening on the other side. Our Editorial Book is designed to be positioned as the premier, broad-based, scholarly one focusing on all the substantive issues in business and business management. With the purpose of evaluating, exploring, and focusing on development of business community in evoking Managerial, Financial, Marketing, Human Resource Management, Economical, Social and/or ideological viewpoints, we are creating an edited volume that explores the new path way for modern business practices. We invite contributors who are doing research/ academia on any discipline that related to business that are participating in this volume. Papers dealing with the analysis of either theoretical or practical-applications based on strategies for modern business are welcome. All papers will go through a rigorous refereeing process.

Each paper should contain only 5-6 pages not more than 2500 words (Strictly do not exceed (.doc or .docx format / email attachment containing the document) with the following information:
Ø  Title of paper,
Ø  Name(s) of the author(s), (Maximum two authors)
Ø  Affiliation,
Ø  Contact address (postal and email) and
Ø  Mobile number.
Published by: Archers & Elevators Publishing House, Bangalore, India.

Mail: 14docm@gmail.com  Website: www.aeph.in

One printed copy of the book will be issued on the cost of Rs.700/- only (including postal expenses) No Publication and processing fee. Every paper submitted will be assessed and authors will be contacted through their email after review.

[Your article will have to reach us on or before 15th August 2014]
Thank You

Dear Professors/Academicians,

Greetings from Alagappa University.

We feel happy to forward you. the Invitation and schedule of the International Conference on Entrepreneurial Perspectives and Emergence (ICEPE'14) and the Business Plan Contest (FLASH'14).

We heartily welcome you to the Conference & B-Plan Contest, and invite you to be part of the Event on both the days, to have fruitful discussions and value-added deliberations.

Looking forward to meet and associate with you during the Conference event.

With thanks & kind regards
Convener – ICEPE ‘14 & FLASH ‘14
Coordinator, Entrepreneurship & Skill Development Centre,
Assistant Professor, Alagappa Institute of Management,
Alagappa University, Karaikudi. 
Tamilnadu. India. Pin: 630 004.
Ph: 04565 225211 Fax: 04565 225202
Mobile: +91 9865630802 / 9486066087