Rigorous peer review

Submit your manuscript to the 4th IIFT Conference and be published in Foreign Trade Review.
Published in Association with
Indian Institute of
Foreign Trade
Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Important Dates:
  • Submission Deadline
    (Full Paper)

    September 20, 2014
  • Paper Acceptance Communication
    October 10, 2014
  • Conference Dates
    December 18-19, 2014
Publication Opportunities:
Selected conference papers will be published in the Foreign Trade Review, after appropriate double-blind peer review.
For paper submission or any conference related queries,eiitf2014@iift.ac.in
Find this journal online at:http://ftr.sagepub.com
Foreign Trade Review invites you to submit manuscripts for a research conference on “Empirical Issues in International Trade & Finance (EIITF)”, scheduled to be held on December 18-19, 2014 and will be hosted by the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), New Delhi.
The conference aims to have intellectual discourse on issues related to international trade and finance and provide platform to the researchers for communicating their views on their intellectual standing of empirical research in international economics.
Details for Submitting your Manuscript
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • Empirical Applications on Trade Theories
  • Trade in Services
  • Trade and Industrialization
  • Trade Facilitation
  • Trade and Environment
  • Trade and Development
  • Global Financial Crisis & Emerging Market Economies
  • Recent Dynamics in Money, Interest and Exchange Rates
Editorial BoardFind out more
About the Journal
The Foreign Trade Review (FTR) is intended to serve as a comprehensive forum for theoretical and empirical research in cross-border issues. These include, but are not limited to the following: international economics, international marketing, international finance, international logistics and international legal and technical research ideas. Papers with theoretical as well as empirical content are particularly encouraged. Read more
Benefits of Publishing in this Journal
When you publish in FTR, you will benefit from:
  • Rigorous peer review of your research
  • Prompt publishing
  • Guaranteed targeted, multidisciplinary audience
  • High visibility for maximum global exposure
We look forward to receiving your submission.

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