
It is our pleasure to inform you that we are editing few volumes of a book, titled with

E-Governance - Current Scenario”
(No Publication/processing Fee)

which will be published by a reputed publisher with ISBN number(s).

Potential authors are invited to contribute to this edited volume. They are requested to send their original Research Papers /Articles/Case studies related to the theme – Information & Communication Technology (ICT) & Governance in any relative field to the e-mail address bestpublish2all@gmail.com as per below guidelines.


 One can come up with any article on the theme ICT & Governance in any relative areas.


1. Manuscripts should preferably not exceed 9 pages or 3000 words, typed 1.5 – spaced in Times New Roman with font size 12 on A4 size page with 1.5” wide margin on left and 1” on the right, top and left with proper numbering of pages (top right corner), tables and graphs. The language of research paper/article is restricted to English or Tamil.

2. The general format (authors can have their own formats) of the research paper should consist of
(i) Title
(ii) Author (s) name and affiliation with email IDs
(iii) Abstract not exceeding 300 words with 4-6 keywords
(iv) Introduction
(v) Objectives
(vi) Study Area
(vii) Data base and Research Methodology
(viii) Text – Interpretation – Analysis
(ix) Conclusion
(x) References
(xi) Full Corresponding address of Author (s) with contact number (s) and email id (s).

3. The manuscript should be accompanied by a declaration letter/email that the paper is original and has not been submitted elsewhere for publication.

4. References should be arranged alphabetically and given at the end of the text.

5. Authors are required to submit the manuscripts on or before 
20th June 2015 at the email bestpublish2all@gmail.com in doc/docx/sdw/odt formats.

All papers will go through a blind review process and communication by E-mail. Finally, the editors reserve the right to make minor modifications or corrections of the paper, if required.
No Publication and processing Fees - E-Book for every author; and printed copy if cost paid with paper submission.

Last Date for the submission of full paper: 20th June 2015
Review intimation: 21th June 2015
Tentative Month of Book Publish: June/July 2015

Be a part of International publication & also encourage your network people.

Kumar D, 10+ years of IT Industry Experience mainly in Telecom, E-Governance and Project Management, consultant for multiple software product development and authored more than 15 research papers in various International Journals/Conferences in various geographies.
Dr. Panchanatham N, Professor and Former Registrar - Annamalai University. A noted academician with global exposure and bestowed with 40 awards including the ‘Life Time Achievement Award’. His detailed profile available at www.panchanatham.org

Dear Sir/Madam, 

Global Development Foundation (GDF), in association with Institute of Chartered Management Association, India during the last few years, had successfully organized various Programmes. These  Programmes were not only attended by various faculty members, researchers from different universities and Colleges i.e. Delhi University, Sharda University, Central University Bihar, CCS University, Meerut, Ansal Institute of Tech, Manav Rachna College of Engineering etc.  as well as executives and research scholars.  All our Programmes had been well appreciated.

We are pleased to organise a special programme for Structural Equation Modeling, as per details given hereunder. We are also enclosing herewith Brochure(s) as well as Registration Form for the programme.  

Name of the Programme
Date Of Workshop
Last date of Registration
Fee per participant

 25th July & 26th July 2015

15th July2015

Rs.4900/- per participant (non-refundable) faculty
& Rs. 7500/- from Industry participants to be paid in favour ofGLOBAL DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATIONpayable at New Delhi
 The registration for the programme will be on ‘First-cum-First Basis’ and limited to a maximum of 15 candidates.

For more details about the GDF, you may also visit our website www.gdf.org.in.

You are requested to kindly nominate few executive/officials of your esteemed organisation for the above Programme.    Filled-in Registration Form of the nominated official be submitted along with Cheque/Cash at the address given below.

 Global Development Foundation
 Flat No. 140, Rosewood Apartment
 Sector 13 Pocket A, Dwarka,  New Delhi - 110075
Alternatively, the participation fees can be deposited through ECS transfer to our Bank account, as per details given below and inform us through e-mail.

                Saving Bank Account No. 169001000004237
                IFSC Code : IOBA 0001690
                Indian Overseas Bank,Sector 10,  Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075

With regards, 

S. C. Bakhshi,
Programme Coordinator
Global Development Foundation
Tel: 011-47039812
Mobile: 9810315110, 9810636188, 9654904006
E-mail : info@gdf.org.in

Dear Author,
            It’s Our Pleasure to invite you to submit your thesis work with us. We will make 15 articles from your dissertations and thesis and publish online. This will increase your 200 API Marks.  Publication charges for each article is Rs. 2000 and following documents you will receive for your published articles:

1) Article
2) Colour Article
3) Publication Certificate and Plagiarism Free Certificate (each co-author will also get separate certificate)
4) Review Report
5) Visiting Card      
6) Calendar
Get 15 articles from your thesis and publish it online

It’s our pleasure to invite you to submit your thesis work with us. Your submitted dissertations and thesis will be converted into book and book will publish online with international ISBN.
You will get 50 API mark for international publication of your book.

Related Services:
2) Thesis Covert into Book with International ISBN
3) Publish your book world wide

In our thesis into book publication service we will provide following service
1.     We will edit the book
2.     Publish it with ISBN internationally
3.     Design Book Cover
4.     Provide 5 hard copy of published book
5.     Book Publication certificate
Terms & Conditions:
1.  To complete book it will take 1 month.
2.  Verification will be n number of times before starting the print.
3.   After print no changes will be done.
4. Before start the work, 100% payment should be deposited in our bank account.
         Publication charges for publishing your book with international ISBN is Rs.10, 000/- We will edit your book & Design Book Cover, Book Publication Certificate and 5 book copies services.

For More Details contact us at,
Laxmi Book Publication
Manik Baug, Near Shivsagar Society,
Dnyanesh Apartment, Flat No. 205,     
Pune. 411041. Maharashtra.

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Articles are invited for the INSPIRA- JOURNALS

VOLUME 05 NO. 03, JULY, 2015

Plz send your complete mailing address with Pin code for sending the hard copy of the Journal/ Journals.  Plz ignore if already sent.

Plz see attachments for Membership Form and other latest details about the above Journals published by INSPIRA RESEARCH ASSOCIATION.

Prof. (Dr.) S.S.Modi
Chief Editor, INSPIRA, A Quarterly Journal of  Modern Management & Entrepreneurship
Former Head, Department of ABST(Commerce) , University of Rajasthan, Jaipur
Former  President, Indian Accounting Association (IAA)
President, Inspira  Research Association (IRA)
Mobile No 09829321067

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