VIF Contemporary Academic Meet - VIFCAM 2015

Dear Professor 
Sub: VIF Contemporary Academic Meet - VIFCAM 2015; call for nominations for Faculty Awards -Reg. 
Ref: Faculty Awards vide F. No. VIF / CFN / FA / 2015 dt. February 16, 2015 
Greetings!  We are planning to conduct the Contemporary Academic Meet - VIFCAM 2015 (venusinfo.org/cam.html ; PFA for the Flyer) on 5th July 2015 at Radha Regent Hotels, Chennai. In this programme we are aiming to recognize and celebrate TEACHING AS THE NOBLEST PROFESSION via the VIFFA 2015 (venusinfo.org/awards.html ; PFA for the Flyer).  
As a matter of fact, we are delighted to note Your Profile and feel proud of your Accomplishments / Achievements! We herewith invite you to submit your biodata (and or nominate someone else) to: viffa2015@venusinfo.org   
Important Dates:
Last date to submit biodata via mail : 20th June 2015 | Announcement of VIFAA 2015 winners : on or before 22nd June 2015
Celebration of the VIFAA 2015         : 5th July 2015 (Award Ceremony) 
Registration Fee : Rs.5000/- [VIF is Non-Profit Organization. We request the awardees to make voluntary contribution towards the Registration, Souvenir of VIFFA 2015, Venue and High Buffet Lunch expenses]  
At this juncture, we are looking forward to receive your biodata. Please send the same to : viffa2015@venusinfo.org 
Kindly contact us for further details.  
Best Wishes
Dr. R. Sathishkumar.PhD(Engg.).,
Chairperson, VENUS International  Foundation