Vivos' Europa One Shelter - Only for the Rich

The Hāna Highway is a 64.4-mile (103.6 km) long stretch of Hawaii Routes 36 and 360 which connects Kahului with the town of Hāna in east Maui. On the east after Kalepa Bridge, the highway continues to Kīpahulu as Hawaii Route 31 (the Piilani Highway). Although Hāna is only about 52 miles (84 km) from Kahului, it takes about 2.5 hours to drive when no stops are made as the highway is very winding and narrow and passes over 59 bridges, 46 of which are only one lane wide.[5] There are approximately 620 curves along Route 360 from just east of Kahului to Hāna, virtually all of it through lush, tropical rainforest. Many of the concrete and steel bridges date back to 1910 and all but one are still in use. That one bridge, badly damaged by erosion, has been replaced by a parallel structure by a portable steel ACROW bridge erected by the United States Army Corps of Engineers.


A preschool housed within a retirement home is changing the lives of seniors and toddlers alike. Providence Mount St. Vincent in Seattle, WA, houses over 400 elderly residents; The Intergenerational Learning Center (ILC) is a childcare facility that allows infants-to-5-year-olds interact with these residents through structured and unstructured activities.
The broad purpose of the ILC is to help children learn about the elderly. Specifically, the program aims to have kids learn about the normal aging process, accept people with disabilities, help them reduce their fear of older adults, and to receive and give unconditional and unbounded love and attention. A documentary about the initiative is presently in the works.

43% of older adults experience social isolation


So this program put a preschool into a nursing home


It allows children to learn and interact with 400+ elderly residents at the assisted-living center


“The children and residents come together in a variety of planned activities such as music, dancing, art, lunch, storytelling or just visiting”


“This enhances the opportunities for children and people of all ages to have frequent interaction”


Children at the center have to the opportunity to learn from their elders


To accept people with disabilities


To be involved with people who are two or three generations apart


To become part of an extended family


To help them reduce their fear of older adults


To receive and give unconditional and unbounded love and attention


Participants benefit from frequent interaction with children throughout their day


They engage in physical activity playing with the children


There are opportunities to play, laugh and enjoy the spirit and joy that children bring to their home environment


Participants have a renewed sense of self-worth


An opportunity to transfer knowledge


And the ability to serve as role models


“There is only one time to be happy, and that time is now”


Evan Briggs began a kickstarter to make a documentary about the program


 Faces of the Wild is a new portrait series showing humans inside of an animal sheath.
The project was inspired by captive animals, rocking back and forth in their cages at the zoo as the result of mental anguish from being held inside of enclosures for extended periods of time. I (David Mitchell) have always been distraught at how silent wild majestic animals must feel while living at a zoo, away from any natural habitat that emulates their native environments.
The United States owns so much land, enough to provide free-range environments where there wouldn’t be fences for dozens of miles. Maybe this photo series will open up the eyes of those who don’t realize how primitive the life of a captive wild animal really is.
More info: Kickstarter | Instagram | Facebook

Vivos' Europa One Shelter - Only for the Rich

Be it an oncoming asteroid, an ominous technological threat (remember the “Year 2000 bug”?), or some deadly disease, some people take judgment-day warnings more seriously than others, for example, the American company Vivos.
Vivos’ Europa One Shelter, located in Breitenstein, Germany, is an underground complex reminiscent of a billionaire’s mansion, only several times the size and far, far safer. It contains several swimming pools, theaters, gyms, restaurants, designer apartments, large open spaces, and even a helipad. However, the main feature of this installation is that it can withstand nuclear detonation, chemical warfare, earthquakes, tsunamis, and any other disaster you can imagine.
At this time, the price of each apartment in the complex is kept secret, but the property value alone is estimated at $1.1 billion. The plan is to use this complex in the case of a global catastrophe, such as a nuclear war. Scroll down to learn more about this outrageous bunker.  
This is a standard bedroom in the complex, complete with a window to a giant aquarium.
Vivos Europa One
The Complex will house people who work and maintain the facilities. Their quarters have not been revealed yet, but undoubtedly they will be less impressive than those of the richer inhabitants. Below is a photo of one of the main dining halls.
Vivos Europa One
The bunker was designed for emergencies, and thus many areas are built with many layers of reinforced concrete, steel, and glass.
Vivos Europa One
This is a room most of the shelter’s inhabitants won’t get to see – the generator room that powers the whole compound. During the Cold War, this bunker was used by the Soviets.
Vivos Europa One
The shelter is adjacent to the German town of Breitenstein. In the picture below you can compare the size of the complex to the neighboring settlement.
Vivos Europa One
Each luxury apartment in the complex is 2,497 square feet (232 square meters) in size.
Vivos Europa One
The apartments can be designed according to the owner’s specifications, and can include  a prayer room, a wine cellar or even their own  private cinema.
Vivos Europa One
Owners will pay the basic sum of purchasing an apartment, as well as the monthly cost of upkeep.
Vivos Europa One

May also interest you:

The entire complex is 227,893 square feet (21,172 square meters), all made of reinforced materials. Below is a picture of the complex’s pub.
Vivos Europa One
To move between the different parts of the complex, residents will go through dozens of secure, reinforced tunnels.
Vivos Europa One
The shelter houses a water desalination facility, which includes large water reservoirs and power generators, as well as advanced climate-control capabilities.
Vivos Europa One
In an emergency such as an earthquake or war, residents will land at nearby airfields and will be transported to the shelter in helicopters. They will be provided with everything they need, and once the doors are sealed – none may enter or leave.
Vivos Europa One
The bunker houses a small display hall, which will feature an impressive zoological collection and historical art pieces.
Vivos Europa One
When asked why they have set up this ambitious project, Vivos replied that: “It is clear that we live in a dangerous and ever-changing world. We can’t always predict potential disasters, but we can be prepared for them.”
Vivos Europa One
So if you’re afraid of the end of the world and have a few millions of dollars to spend, you’re welcome to a secure a place at the Europa OneShelter. If not, at least now you know such a place exists.
  Liam D.