Attacked By Statues


Latest way to get your kicks: Photos of people pretending to be attacked by statues is newest internet craze

  • Statues brought to life as people pose up in hilarious pictures 
  • Man looks like he's about to be attacked by cupid
PUBLISHED: 10:20 GMT, 14 December 2012 UPDATED: 16:30 GMT, 14 December 2012
They might look like they're frozen to the spot - but don't think they're harmless.
In the latest craze to sweep the web, statues are being brought to life and taking on a more sinister air as people pose in front of them pretending to be attacked.
The hilarious pictures include a man who looks as if he's about to be punched by cupid, a woman who lies in the arms of a ferocious bear and girl being lifted up by her hair by an imposing marble figure.
Love struck: Cupid has grabbed this man by the collar and gets ready to attack
Love struck: Cupid has grabbed this man by the collar and gets ready to attack
Terrifying: A girl is lifted up from the floor screaming by another imposing figure
Terrifying: A girl is lifted up from the floor screaming by an imposing marble figure
Bear-faced cheek: A woman lies dangling in the arms of hungry-looking grizzly
Bear-faced cheek: A woman lies dangling in the arms of hungry-looking grizzly
It follows in the footsteps of other popular internet fads such as 'photobombing', where people ruin someones picture by jumping into the background, and 'planking' where people are snapped lying down flat in unusual situations.
There has also been 'feline photobombing' where people's cats steal the limelight and 'owling' where young people crouch and stare into the distance pretending to be an owl.
Blogs and web feeds are fast becoming filled with pranksters having a go at their own 'statue attack'.
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