Exercise secrets for Better Health

Exercise is the mainstay for healthy and fit body and has immense significance in quality of life. Researchers have strongly supported the role of exercise for fit body. Today lots of gyms offer the good range of exercises according to body type and aliments to recover. Additionally, market is full with CD’s and DVDs from experts in fitness, which can guide you on exercise regimen even at your home.
However, keeping exercise as a routine is a difficult problem for most of us. Drop-outs and failure are significantly noticed in workout schedule. Here are some useful tips to make exercise as your routine.
Realistic goal setting
Before starting any new venture you have lots of energy and enthusiasm. However, as time passes you lost most of your stamina and unable to cope with your goals. This is normal human tendency and not yours behavior only.
Hence your goal must be realistic within your reach. Instead of setting one large goal divide it into everyday small and measurable ones. Divide them in short-term and long-term or daily, weekly or monthly achievable one.
Suppose you decided to walk 5km distance it will be miserable to cover within one day. So decide to walk for 15 minutes per day. Slowly increase your time from 15 min to 30 min and more and also increase your speed. Such pattern definitely helps you to achieve your bigger target of 5km in one day.
Making suitable plan
Good planning is a key for success. Mostly, your workout resolution fails due to poor planning.
Once you set your achievable goals make a diary to write down your action plan. Write down everything you have to cover within coming days. Choose exercises fit for your body. Take help from fitness trainers for it. Reward yourself when you accomplished your short-term goals.
Maintaining a diary of your activities also help you keep a tract of your progress.
It is not necessary to perform all exercise at one time. You can divide it into morning, noon or evening workout.
Choosing exercise carefully
Before choosing exercises, do some research and take guidance from experts in the field. As there are wide ranges of exercises available but all may not suit for you.
Exercise can be simple like walking or jogging up to strength training like aerobics. Stretching effect of yoga is also good for your health. So choose exercises carefully suitable for your body type.
Be consistent
Workout is not one-day play, but it’s a long way journey for achieving a healthy body. Hence you must be consistent in your efforts. A good planning and achievable goal setting definitely help to make your Worksteady.
Do in a group
Chances of failure are more when you perform the exercise as single. So opt for doing exercise with companion, company of a good exercise companion will keep motivated.
Use instruments
Using instruments like watch and pedometer help you to measure your activity within specific timings.
Go natural
Exercise doesn’t mean to visit gym or buy yoga mat and spend lots of pennies. Simply taking staircase instead of an elevator does more for your body.
Getting one stop earlier during bus way or parking car far from destination and walking rest of the way is as good as gym exercise. Even dancing and gardening has a profound effect on a body.
Avoid distractions
T.V, computers and smart phones are common distraction may ruin your exercise schedule. They keep you busy but offer sedentary life. So be firm and stay away from them at least within your exercise schedule.
As mentioned earlier workout for fitness is long way journey so you must be patient. Due to variations in body type, environmental factors and acquired diseases there is not the single correct approach for fitness.
Fitness is a result of multi-factorial issues such as regular exercise, good diet, sound sleep and stress free life and removal of unhealthy behavior like quitting smoking. Sometimes even with excellent planning you may face failure. In such cases, you need to consider other fitness factors.