Internet Cookies -- Problem or Misconception

If you didn’t receive / read my previous articles, then just send me an email asking for it. And please have some patience, why I am saying this because it’s very necessary to understand the basic things first in order to solve any kind of problem. I will explain you how to safeguard your PC from these anonymous stuff but after some basics.  Please keep sending me your replies after reading the article and keep asking me the questions about the things which you want to learn about. WHAT I NEED IS JUST A REPLY OR A FEEDBACK FROM YOU GUYSJ
Internet Cookies

Problems with junk files has already been discussed in my previous post and we have discussed its 2 types as well, which are Temporary Files and Temporary Internet Files. Now we will talk about its third type which is Internet Cookies.Who don’t like cookies, atleast i love chocolate cookies :) but we are not doing any baking business over here.

Internet Cookies does makes users life easier on Internet and now a days, almost every site use this feature in order to provide better user experience.

So What These Internet Cookies Really Are?
Whenever you are connected to the Internet and doing browsing, almost all the websites generate a text file and save it in your hard disk. That text file contains user information which that particular website use it for the information purpose. Let’s say if you visit the site again, the website will search for that particular text file in your Hard disk and will automatically recall all of your details. That text file is a Cookie. The websites can only retrieve their cookie files, they cannot open other cookie files or cannot do any other stuff in your computer.

Cookies contains a unique visitor ID for you (now a days websites keep all the information related to that user in the cookies like the web pages you visited, links clicked etc) so whenever you return to that site again, it checks your ID and this is how it remember all of your details. Cookies are not a software, which will be downloaded by a website and then your user information will be forwarded to them. No, this is not the case. Cookies are not a self executed files.

Many people also thinks that cookies are viruses, which is not true. As I said above that these are just a text files and they cannot do anything by itself.

How This Process Actually Works?
1. If you type any website address in your browser’s address bar, your browser will contact the main server of that website (where it’s published / hosted).
2. After a successful connection, the main server will look for a cookie file in your computer and if you have that file, then your browser will send the details which are inside cookie file to the main server
3. Incase you don’t have a cookies file, the main server will treat you as a new user and will then generate a unique id for you and keep a record of that cookies in their database. Same details will be forwarded to your browser as well, which then creates a cookie file in your computer.

Why Websites Need Cookie Files?
Now a days, each and every website is dynamic. There are really very interactive sites which requires to keep users information or keep a track of their visitors in their record for many reasons.

For example
1. How many visitors came today
2. How many are new visitors
3. How many times a visitor has visited to the site
4. Keeps the user preferences

Let’s say, if you go to Gmail sign-in page and If you click the check mark of Remember Me, then the website will keep a record of your user name and password in their database and in the cookie file saved in your hard disk.

Behind The Scenes (Warning)

  • If you are using multiple browsers, then your cookies will not be synchronized between the browsers. Means the websites will save different version of cookies for each browser and will treat you as a different user for each browser. The location where the cookies are stored in your computer is also different for each browser.
  • Because of these files, information which belongs to you will be disclosed to others. For example, if you are using a public computer like at Internet Cafe, and if the website saves your email address or password then there will be a problem. This thing often happens because by default if that remember me is already checked (as i said above), then all of your personal information is leaked and will be accessed by others.

  • If your network connection is not secured (wireless or the website which you are browsing is not a secured website) bad users or hackers can read the data which is passing through on the internet or on network, including the cookies, using programs calledpacket sniffers.

  • The cookie file is not only generated by the website page, but links, images or advertisement banners also generates cookie files. These banners or advertisements not only keep the records of you but also tracks you or should i say act like a spy. And these cookies which are generated by the advertisements keep a record like which websites you are visiting, which links you are clicking and then sell such information to the Marketers. These are called bad cookies or malicious cookies

  • Your computer has to look for the cookies every time you visit a webpage and this can slow down your computer and the speed of your Internet.

  • Anti-spyware products often warns users about cookies because cookies can be used to track computer activities.

  • As i told you above that cookies should be open by only those websites which have made that file. However, some bad sites often modify the contents of cookies in order to send same information to the other sites as well

Address of Internet Cookies: 
The easiest way to look for the cookies in your computer is to search for the folder name "Cookies"

Clean All Of Your Computer Junks
In my previous posts, we discussed about Junk Files and Its Types, which are Temporary Files, Temporary Internet Files / Cache and Cookies. Today we will finally talk on the solution of it, that how to solves all kind of problems which are associated with these Junks Files and How to clean all the mess spread by these files. By using this software, you will not only able to clean the junk from your computer but will also be able to repair the Registry Errors, Remove Shortcuts, Clear the Clipboards and many other Junk stuff.

The Software name is CCleaner, which is a Free System Optimization tool. The most important thing about this software is that it’s really very easy to use. Non-Technical users normally gets afraid and thinks a lot before using these kind of softwares but believe me, it’s just a matter of click and you are done. Its a super fast software


How to Use It – Step By Step
Installation Of CCleaner
1 Download the CCleaner from FileHippo.com site by Clicking Here or If you want to visit the main company site which is Piriform, then Click Here

2. When the download is finish (The downloadable file size is only 3.97MB) Double click the file and run the Installation

3. The Installation steps are very easy, and you just have to keep clicking Next (that’s what we do always lolz)

4. Once you see below screen, then it’s up to you that you want to install Google Toolbar or not. Check or Un-Check the tick mark and Click Install

ccleaner setup1

5. After the completion of setup, you will see below dialogue box

ccleaner setup 2

6. What it’s asking is that, do you want to save your login information in your browser for email services like Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail, so that during the cleaning process, the software will not remove these settings from the browser. Although the recommended setting is to save this information but i recommend you to remove these as well and click No

7. After that, CCleaner main window will pop-up.


As you can see in above picture, CCleaner has four sections at the left hand sidebar:
1. Cleaner
2. Registry
3. Tools
4. Options
If you are going to run any kind of system cleaner software for the first time in your computer, you will be really surprised to see how much junks really was lying in your pc for so much time. This software will surely amaze you with its all features at no cost.

The Real Action
1. At first, i recommend you (atleast to every average computer user) that don’t play with the software and simply click on the Analyze button. But before doing that close all of your browsers as well. After a minute or 2, it will show you all the junks which this software is able to collect it from your PC as shown below

ccleaner clean

2. After analyzing the clutter in your PC, it will show you the result as shown in the above pic. I have marked with Red rectangle where it shows you the size of junk files available in your pc (My junk files are less because i often use these kinds of software in my pc) Now without any hesitation, you can click “Run Cleaner” button to clean all these junk files from your PC.

3. When you click “Run Cleaner” button, a dialogue box will appear saying “This process will permanently delete files from your system – Are you sure you wish to proceed” This is just a warning that these junk files will be removed from your pc permanently. Just click OK and you are done.

By following above Steps, you have successfully cleared the Junk files from your PC. Yea.. That’s it nothing else. But wait, you have to clean your Registry as well in order to complete the whole procedure. So let us talk about that

Fixing of Registry Errors
1. Click on the Registry button (On your left hand sidebar) and you will see a window similar to below one


2. As you can see above, there is nothing else you have to do except pressing the Scan For Issues button. So just do it and you will see the registry errors CCleaner has detected in your pc as shown in below picture


3. After viewing the result, click “Fix Selected Issues”

4. A dialogue box will appear saying, “Do you want to backup changes to the registry” click Yes and save it anywhere in your computer. It’s just a backup of your registry file. (You should save that file)

5. After taking backup of registry, a window will appear with multiple options. Just Select “Fix All Selected Issues” as shown in below pic


6. Once all the cleaning is finished, Just click close. Restart your PC and you are done.